Kretinga Evangelical Lutheran Church In Lithuania: History,Facts, & Services

History The Kretinga Evangelical Lutheran Church and parish was established in 1781 in Lithuanian as a branch of the Prussian Union. The church was temporarily closed in 1832 due to Tsarist limitations on Lutheran churches. In 1885 the church buildings were restored and renovated. The church then underwent both a major reconstruction project and interior redecoration in 1891. Facts The Kretinga Evangelical Lutheran Church is still active and serves the community of Kretinga and the surrounding region. It has a historical significance to many as it was a focal point of national unity during times of occupation and Communist rule and a symbol of freedom for Lithuanians. Services The Kretinga Evangelical Lutheran Church provides a number of services and activities, including religious services like Baptism, Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Funerals, as well as educational programs in the form of Sunday schools and evening schools, and other social services such as food banks, and aid to the needy.

Explore Lithuania most popular tourist destination with us. Kretinga Evangelical Lutheran Church In Lithuania: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Lithuania main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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