Church of the Ascension (Missionary Church) In Lithuania: History,Facts, & Services
The Church of the Ascension (Missionary Church) in Lithuania is an independent Lithuanian Orthodox Church which was founded in 1925 in Kaunas. It was established with the approval of the Russian Orthodox Church in 1917 as the first independent Orthodox Church in Lithuania. The church is an offshoot of the Russian Orthodox Church and is in communion with the other Orthodox Churches around the world. The Church of the Ascension currently has members in Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, and Ukraine as well as in the United States, Canada, Australia, and Europe.
The Church of the Ascension’s primary mission is to bring spiritual unity to Orthodox Christians in Lithuania and to spread the Gospel according to the teachings of the Russian Church. The church seeks to carry out Christian fellowship, service, and education, and to strengthen people spiritually and socially. The Church provides regular services and organizes spiritual retreats, bible studies, and other activities. It also operates a publishing house in Kaunas which produces spiritual material, including a quarterly periodical, “The New Revival.”
The Church of the Ascension holds to traditional Russian Orthodox teachings and is committed to traditional family values. It is led by a Bishop and a Metropolitan Council and its headquarters are located in Kaunas, Lithuania.
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