Vilnius Bible Baptist Church In Lithuania: History,Facts, & Services
Vilnius Bible Baptist Church In Lithuania is an independent, fundamental, Bible believing church that began in 1991. It is located in Vilnius, Lithuania, and has served the local community ever since. It has a history of service to the people of Lithuania through proclaiming the truth of the Bible in the nation’s capital city. The church’s mission is to bring glory to God by making disciples of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them.
The church provides services in the Lithuanian language, including Sunday School, Bible study, children’s church, youth programs, and a variety of worship services. It also has a vocational training program to equip new believers with the skills they need to serve the church and local community.
The church has also been involved in ministries such as feeding the homeless, providing clothing and emergency assistance, and working with multiple mission agencies to reach out to the unreached in Lithuania and the neighboring countries. Overall, Vilnius Bible Baptist Church has been a great witness in Eastern Europe, proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ.
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