Rujm Al-Malfouf In Jordan: History,Facts, & Services

Rujm Al-Malfouf is a small circular stone-walled enclosure situated in the Jordan valley east of the Jordan River. It is the world’s first known example of a large scale, clustered megalithic monument. The structure has been dated to the Early Bronze Age between 2400 and 2000 BCE, making it one of the oldest known structures of its kind. Rujm Al-Malfouf It is one of the best churches in Jordan which you must visit.


The name “Rujm Al-Malfouf” translates to “walled stone monument”, given the large stone blocks which make up the wall of the structure. The stone circles for the enclosure have been estimated to have been built between 2400 and 2000 BCE, which places it around the same time as Jericho, the world’s first known fortified city. This is thought to be the first large scale, clustered megalithic structure that included a series of interrelated stone circles. The largest circle may have reached a diameter of up to 59 meters, while the entire structure was estimated to have contained as many as 750 separate stones, including one chipped upright stone which may have served as an entrance into the outer wall. Rujm Al-Malfouf This is why, it is considered one of the oldest churches in Jordan.


Here are some facts about the Rujm Al-Malfouf In Jordan: History,Facts, & Services.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Jordan
• The diameter of the largest circle is estimated to have been up to 59 meters. • The entire structure was estimated to have contained up to 750 separate stones. • This was the world’s first known example of a large scale, clustered megalithic monument. • The majority of the stones used for the wall were found in the area, with a number being transported from as far as four kilometers away. • Some believe it was constructed as a temple for Canaanite cults. Rujm Al-Malfouf

Rujm Al-Malfouf is open to the public for visitors and offers various services, such as guided tours, educational activities and workshops related to the archaeological site. Additionally, nearby campsites, meditation centers and nature reserves make the area an ideal spot for camping, hiking and enjoying the natural beauty of the Jordan valley.This beautiful church in Jordan has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Jordan most popular tourist destination with us. Rujm Al-Malfouf In Jordan: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from Jordan main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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