Petra Museum In Jordan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Petra Museum in Jordan is an archaeological museum located in the ancient city of Petra, Jordan. Built near the entrance of the city, the Petra Museum showcases one of the world's most famous and important ancient sites. It provides an insight into the history and culture of the Nabataeans who inhabited Petra during the Hellenistic and Roman periods. The Petra Museum exhibits artifacts from the Nabataean Empire, ranging from everyday objects to religious artifacts including sculpture, pottery, ossuaries, coins, and religious relics. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Jordan
Prominent Features:

• An impressive ancient city filled with tombs, monuments and existing architecture • The Treasury façade, once used as a movie set • A refuge for Bedouins since 400 BC • The Great Temple and Sacred Plaza, the grandiose centrepiece of Petra • The Byzantine Church, a remarkable example of early Christian architecture • An old Crusader fort • Hundreds of ancient rock-cut tombs and sculptures • Many ancient water channels carved out of the rocks • The Byzantine-style Monastery, a settlement of labyrinths, tunnels and caves • Hiking trails that lead to amazing burial sites and secret spots • The High Place of Sacrifice, surrounded by incredible views • Archaeological excavations still underway This national monument of Jordan portrays the history and culture of the country.


Petra Archaeological Museum is one of the most important national museums in Jordan, located in the ancient city of Petra. The museum was first consecrated in 1957 in two renovated 18th-century houses. In 1997, it was reconstructed and expanded at the cost of 12 million Jordanian dinars, with a total area of 7,000 square meters of galleries and courtyards. The exhibition hall consists of five main galleries and a Children’s Gallery which display a collection of artifacts from the Nabatean period (200 BCE – 200 CE). In addition to this, the exhibition includes objects and artifacts from various ancient civilizations in the area such as the Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine and, more recently, Ottoman empires. The museum’s collection consists of stone statuary, sculpted idols and figures, pottery, jewelry, weapons, ivory and bone objects, coins, and mosaics. In addition, the exhibition also features a selection of valuable coins from the Nabatean era. The Petra Museum is designed to achieve a high level of conservation, both for its artifacts and archaeological findings. It is the only museum in Jordan which has been internationally accredited by the International Council of Museums. In addition, the museum houses a research library, a study room, a gallery, a lecture hall, and a souvenir shop. You must visit one of these historical places in Jordan on your Jordan tour

Interesting facts:

1. Petra was originally built around 312 BC by the Nabataeans. 2. The Jordanian city of Petra was once described by Swiss explorer Johann Ludwig Burckhardt as the "Rose Red City half as old as time". 3. Petra is also known as the 'Rose red city', due to the huge red sandstone rock at its center. 4. The entrance to this ancient city features a 1.5km Siq (a narrow gorge). 5. Petra has 3,000 different monuments carved into its sandstone rocks and cliffs. These include tombs, temples, treasuries, sacrifices, meeting places, and residential buildings. 6. Petra is home to the famous Treasury (Al-Khazneh), the largest and most ornate structure in the entire city. 7. Petra has been a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1985 and was the location for several key scenes in the 1988 Harrison Ford movie "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade". 8. Petra was recently named one of the 'New Seven Wonders of the World'. Visit one of the famous monuments of Jordan with your friends and family.

Explore Jordan most popular tourist destination with us. Petra Museum In Jordan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Jordan main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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