Aqaba Archaeological Museum In Jordan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Aqaba Archaeological Museum is a museum located in Aqaba, Jordan, that houses ancient artifacts from the area. The museum holds artifacts and antiquities from various periods of history, mostly from the Bronze and Iron Age, as well as some from the Hellenistic and Islamic periods. It contains manuscripts and documents. The museum's collection includes pottery, jewellery, coins, glassware, iron tools, pottery lamps, and various models of boats from the Mediterranean region. There are also displays of Aqaba's traditional crafts and costumes. Aqaba Archaeological Museum provides an in-depth analysis of Aqaba's past and is an important resource for researchers and those wishing to learn more about the region's rich history. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Jordan
Prominent Features:

1. Displays artifacts and exhibits from the archaeological finds of the Aqaba region from the Early Bronze Age to the Umayyad period. 2. Includes a library with a collection of books related to the history and archaeology of the region. 3. Features a Visitor Centre which provides an introduction to Jordanian archaeology and information about Aqaba. 4. Offers educational programmes and lectures for visitors of all ages. 5. Offers guided tours of the museum and its grounds. 6. Hosts the annual “Friends of Aqaba Museum Day” and special exhibitions throughout the year. 7. Located in a renovated 19th century house in the heart of Aqaba city center. 8. Presents a substantial collection of ceramics, jewelry, coins, inscriptions, steles and sculptural pieces from the ancient city of Ayla. This national monument of Jordan portrays the history and culture of the country.


The Aqaba Archaeological Museum was first established in 1977 in the waterfront of Aqaba City, Jordan. It is the oldest archaeological museum in Jordan and is known for its many important archaeological finds, including the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Copper Scroll. In 2015, the Jordanian government announced plans to build a new branch of the museum in the former glass factory district of Aqaba. The Aqaba Archaeological Museum offers visitors a chance to learn about Jordan’s ancient past through interactive displays, audio-visual presentations, replicas, and other exhibits. Visitors can explore the museum’s emphasis on local heritage as well as its representations of historical events and religious artifacts. The museum is home to exhibits from the Early Bronze Age, as well as artifacts from various time periods. It also includes artifacts from religions, such as Christianity, Judaism and Islam. The Aqaba Archaeological Museum also offers educational exchanges, which involve internships and workshops with international archaeologists. This is part of the museum’s mission to promote archaeology by sharing knowledge and preserving and presenting archaeological artifacts to the public. The museum also aims to research and study local environmental and cultural resources. You must visit one of these historical places in Jordan on your Jordan tour

Interesting facts:

1. The Aqaba Archaeological Museum in Jordan is located in the Al-Qasr district of Aqaba, close to the Red Sea coast. 2. The museum was built during the reign of Abdullah I in 1967. It houses a collection of artifacts from the coastal region, including Greco-Roman and Islamic period objects. 3. The museum also contains a library which holds over 40,000 books and documents relating to the history, art and culture of the region. 4. The museum is also home to a large collection of coins from the region, dating back to the earliest settlements. 5. The Aqaba Archaeological Museum also houses a collection of historic artifacts from around the world, including objects from Egypt, China and India. 6. One of the highlights of the museum is its special display of an ancient stone tool box, used by one of the first inhabitants of the area thousands of years ago. Visit one of the famous monuments of Jordan with your friends and family.

Explore Jordan most popular tourist destination with us. Aqaba Archaeological Museum In Jordan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Jordan main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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