Jameh Mosque of Qom In Iran: Brief History,Architecture,Visiting Hours, & Travel Information

Brief History:

Jameh Mosque of Qom is a historical mosque located in the city of Qom, Iran. The mosque was completed in 892 CE and is one of the oldest mosques of Iran, spanning a physical area of 31,462 square meters and overall construction area of 25,305 square meters. Its two minarets are considered to be the highest minarets in the Urmia region. Jameh Mosque of Qom is also known for its large courtyards and for its unique architecture, which is believed to have been designed by Persian architects. The mosque has served as a religious school and a center for religious education for centuries. It is also a key to the traditional grandeur of the Persian civilization. Every year, hundreds of tourists visit Jameh Mosque of Qom, making it one of the most visited places in Qom. It is one of the most famous mosque in Iran which you must visit.


The Jameh Mosque in Qom, Iran, is renowned for its exquisite architecture and intricate tilework. The mosque was initially built in 871 AD and has been renovated several times thereafter. The entrance is guarded by a grand, two-story iwan, or gateway, constructed from interlaced bricks and featuring lovely muqarnas (stalactite-like domes). Beyond this is the enormous prayer hall, or shabestan, consisting of 13 tall domes resting on eight high pillars. The building is crowned by a more modest, single layer, dome and framed by four iwans around each corner. The entire building is decorated in intricately-designed mosaics and calligraphy. The beautiful prayer hall is covered in turquoise mosaic tiles featuring gold-inscribed Koranic verses. Even the minarets and courtyard walls have been cleverly painted in pastel tones of blue, green, and pink. As for the interior, the mosque is composed of two levels of corridors surrounding a large, central courtyard. The lower level focuses on smaller, more informal prayer areas while the upper level houses the larger, central prayer space. The major highlight of the mosque is the shrines it houses, namely, the tombs of famous Shiite imams and respected Islamic scholars. In short, the Jameh Mosque of Qom stands as a exemplary feat of Islamic architecture. From its grand entrance to its intricately-tiled interiors, the mosque speaks to the impressive aesthetic and engineering skill of the architects of old. This is why, it is considered one of the most beautiful mosque in the world.

Visiting Hours:

Jameh Mosque of Qom in Iran is open every day from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. There is no specific visiting hours and tourists can visit the mosque anytime during these hours. best mosque in the world.

Travel Information:

The Jameh Mosque of Qom is located in the city of Qom in Iran. It is considered to be one of the oldest mosques in Iran, and is an important archaeological and tourist site. The mosque is accessible by road, with the nearest airport being the Imam Khomeini International Airport (IKIA) located approximately 200 km from Qom. From the airport, you can take a bus or taxi to the city. Alternatively, you can also take a train from Tehran to Qom, and the journey takes about two hours. Once in Qom, the mosque is easy to find. It is located in the city center and is clearly marked on the local maps. There are several bus routes that pass by the mosque, and it is also within walking distance from the main tourist attractions including the Bazaar, Grand Mosque and the Jamkaran Mosque. The Jameh Mosque of Qom is open to all visitors, and is free of charge to enter. It is usually open between 8am to 12pm. beautiful masjid.

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