Jameh Mosque of Bandar Abbas In Iran: Brief History,Architecture,Visiting Hours, & Travel Information

Brief History:

The Jameh Mosque of Bandar Abbas is a major religious site in Iran. Built in 1615, it is one of the oldest surviving mosques in the country and is considered one of Iran's greatest examples of mosque architecture. The mosque is protected and often visited by Hindus, Muslims, and tourists alike. It is a symbol of pride among the local population due to its beauty and longevity. The mosque was originally built by the Safavid dynasty to serve as an abode for the Imams of Bandar Abbas when they visited the city. The building underwent several renovations until it reached its present form. The mosque is an impressive structure, with its minarets, golden-faced arcade, delicate calligraphy, and stunning marble. Inside, the main structure has a dome of lead with eight prayer niches set in arches. The interior of the mosque is also decorated with several beautiful fresco paintings. The Jameh Mosque of Bandar Abbas still serves as an important religious site in Iran and is a popular tourist destination in the region. It is a testament to the importance of religious sites and the beautiful architecture of mosques in the country. It is one of the most famous mosque in Iran which you must visit.


The Jameh Mosque of Bandar Abbas is an impressive mosque that has been a symbol of Islamic architecture in the region for centuries. The mosque was initially built in 875 AH (1470 CE) on the orders of Sultan Mohammed Mizari, who was the Governor of the Persian Gulf and also the ruler of the city of Bandar Abbas. The building was reconstructed in 1273 AH (1856 CE) and has remained unchanged since then. The main structure of the mosque is constructed on an elegant rectangular plan and encompasses four iwans with the fourth iwan being the main entrance to the building. The iwan is decorated in stunning tile and plasterwork and framed by ten white arches, which are decorated with blue faience tiles. In the center of this iwan is the mihrab, with the imam's minbar situated at its side. A ribbon of blue tile encircles its façade, creating a stunning interplay of colors which is enhanced by the intricate calligraphic inscriptions in Kufic script. The mosque also has four tall and thin minarets which are located in the four corners and are constructed in a tetrahedral shape with alternating bands of brick and white stone. The most interesting feature of the mosque is the two-storeyed entrance portal which is embellished with carved wood and ornate inscriptions in Kufic script. This portal leads to a spacious courtyard surrounded by an impressive colonnade of horseshoe arches which is further embellished with intricate plasterwork. The interior of the mosque is also adorned with floral and geometric motifs which are also present in the qibla wall and mihrab. The mosque also contains a few other interesting architectural features like the small octagonal lake, which is surrounded by a beautiful gazebo and its minarets which are adorned with marble spirals and iridescent ceramic tiles. The mosque also contains four madrassas, which were used as teaching institutions for theological studies. The mosque is a prominent reminder of the progression of classical Islamic architecture in the region and is an important landmark both architecturally and historically. This is why, it is considered one of the most beautiful mosque in the world.

Visiting Hours:

The visiting hours of Jameh Mosque of Bandar Abbas in Iran are typically 8:00 am to 6:00 pm Saturday through Thursday. The mosque may close or alter its hours on public holidays. Friday is typically a day of rest for the mosque and visitors may not be able to gain access. best mosque in the world.

Travel Information:

Jameh Mosque of Bandar Abbas is located in the province of Hormozgan in southwestern Iran. It is situated in the heart of the city, close to the bazaar. The mosque is easily accessible via car or public transportation. The nearest airport is Bandar Abbas International Airport, which is located approximately 9.7 miles (15.6 km) northeast of the mosque. beautiful masjid.

Explore Iran most popular tourist destination with us. Jameh Mosque of Bandar Abbas In Iran: Brief History,Architecture,Visiting Hours, & Travel Information,which is 35.14 km away from Iran main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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