Temple (12 century) In India: History,Facts, & Services

Temple (12 century) Overview A temple is a structure, usually built for religious or spiritual purposes. Temples were immensely popular during the 12th century and featured prominently in many cultures throughout the world. These structures usually contained a place dedicated to worship of a certain deity or a pantheon of deities and served to bring worshippers closer to their faith. Temple (12 century) Prominent Features These temples were usually highly ornate, built from stone and decorated with intricate carvings and sculptures. Common features included grand entrances, courtyards, ceremonial or ritual spaces, and often contained a holy of holies where the loved deity or deities were honored. Often times, these temples were placed at the center of bustling cities, firmly setting them up as the spiritual center of the civilization. Temple (12 century) History The use of temples during the 12th century can be traced back to the classical civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, and Rome. These structures often used the same form and design as those seen in the ancient world, but with an added emphasis on precise construction and ornamental decoration. Temples during this period were usually a demonstration of wealth and large amounts of money and dedication were often given for the construction of these buildings. Temple (12 century) Interesting facts Temples during the 12th century were often closely associated with other aspects such as architecture and artistry. Many of these temples displayed various styles of architecture and incorporations of various pieces of artwork, sculptures, and reliefs from other cultures and religions. Furthermore, many of these temples were also popular destinations for pilgrims and served as places of healing and refuge for travelers and pilgrims.

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