Megalithic cists and cairns, Malaivaiyavur In India: History,Facts, & Services

Megalithic cists and cairns, Malaivaiyavur are ancient structures located in the town of Malaivaiyavur, Tamilnadu state in India. These structures belong to the megalithic era and have been dated to around a thousand years ago. They are believed to have been the remnants of cemeteries. Megalithic cists and cairns in Malaivaiyavur are some of the most distinct megalithic structures in South India and resemble those found in Western and Central India. They comprise of mounds that are made up of large stone slabs stacked one atop the other and then filled up with dirt to form a mound. Within each mound is a chamber, called a cist, which has been built out of blocks of large stones and capped with a heavy stone slab. The most prominent feature of the megalithic cists and cairns in Malaivaiyavur is their size. The cists range from about 15 feet to 40 feet in diameter, while the cairns can measure up to 6 meters in diameter. As the cairns are typically larger than the cists, they are more elaborate in terms of construction and often feature intricately carved miniature columns, domes, and small towers. The origin and purpose of the megalithic cists and cairns in Malaivaiyavur remain a mystery. It is believed that they served as burial grounds for important members of the society as well as for warriors and warriors’ families. The megalithic cists and cairns in Malaivaiyavur have several interesting facts associated with them. They are among the oldest such structures found in South India and are believed to have been built at least 1000 years ago. They are also among the largest megalithic structures of South India, with some of them measuring up to 6 meters in diameter. In addition, many of the stones used in these structures are covered with ancient inscriptions and delicate carvings, which add to the mysticism of the structures.

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