Mallikarjuna Ramesvara Temple In India: History,Facts, & Services

Mallikarjuna Ramesvara Temple You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in India.


Mallikarjuna Ramesvara Temple is a popular 12th century temple located in the Srisailam town of Andhra Pradesh. It is dedicated to Lord Mallikarjuna, one of the most powerful forms of Lord Shiva and is believed to have been constructed several centuries ago by the Chalukya kings. It is an important pilgrimage site that is visited my thousands of devotees each year, especially during the Maha Shivaratri festival. This national monument of India portrays the history and culture of the country.


Mallikarjuna Ramesvara Temple is made up of two important shrines – one dedicated to Lord Mallikarjuna and the other to Lord Rameshwar. The temple also contains a Shiva Linga, which is one of the 12 Jyotirlingas believed to be one of the most powerful forms of Lord Shiva. The temple also houses numerous exquisite sculptures and carvings that are sure to take your breath away. You must visit one of these historical places in India on your India tour

Interesting facts:

• It is believed that the Shiva Linga of the temple grew naturally, originating from the sweat of Lord Shiva. • Mallikarjuna Ramesvara Temple is believed to be the site of one of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati's marriage rituals. • It is also said that Lord Shiva once blessed the great sage Agasthya with the knowledge of Sidha Veda here.Visit one of the famous monuments of India with your friends and family.

Explore India most popular tourist destination with us. Mallikarjuna Ramesvara Temple In India: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from India main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Andhra Pradesh India

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