Malik Mughith’s Mosque In India: History,Facts, & Services

Malik Mughith’s Mosque is one of the oldest mosques in the city of Thatta, in the province of Sindh in Pakistan. Dating back to 1644, the mosque was built by Malik Mughith, a governor of Sindh appointed by Emperor Shah Jahan. The mosque is built of sturdy red bricks and features a large central gate with two domes on the low, tapering minarets. Its large courtyards are enclosed by five archways, three on the east side and two on the west. Inside, the prayer hall consists of 30 bays of arches, and is divided into two chambers that house two mihrabs. The interior of the Mosque is finished with intricate stone, tile, and stucco work. Malik Mughith’s Mosque stands as a symbol of the great architectural heritage of Thatta and is considered one of its main attractions. It has been declared a national heritage site and is one of the most visited mosques in Pakistan. The mosque is also used to this day as a place for prayer, with a large congregation of devotees attending Friday sermons. The Mosque was originally built in 1644 under the leadership of Malik Mughith, a governor of Sindh appointed by the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan. It underwent a few renovations over the centuries, including some carried out by the British East India Company in the mid-19th century. Malik Mughith’s Mosque is an impressive example of Mughal architecture and decorative craftsmanship. Its walls are adorned with glazed tiles, and its interior is decorated with stucco work. Its distinct central mihrab is decorated with intricate mosaics and multi-colored stones. The entire complex is believed to have been built using the distinctive, lightweight red bricks typical of the area. Malik Mughith’s Mosque is an important piece of Pakistan’s history and is a major tourist attraction today. It is a reminder of the many great architectural achievements of the Mughal Empire and a testament to the skill and craftsmanship of the people of the region.

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