Kalleswara Swami Temple In India: History,Facts, & Services


wara Swami Temple is a well-known pilgrimage spot located in the scenic surroundings of Bellary district in the state of Karnataka. The temple is devoted to the God Shiva, who is worshiped by the local people with great love. The temple has been standing since ancient times, and is believed to have been blessed by sage Agasthya. The temple structure is made up of stones constructed in the typical south Indian style of architecture. Kalleswara Swami Temple This national monument of India portrays the history and culture of the country.


The temple celebrates several festivals throughout the year which include Maha Shivaratri, Karthik Poornima, Sri Rayara Utsav and Annabhisekam. The special offerings and rituals that take place during these festivals are extremely popular with devotees and pilgrims. The temple is also a must visit for devotees of Lord Shiva. Kalleswara Swami Temple You must visit one of these historical places in India on your India tour

Interesting Facts:

One of the historical monuments of India,it tells the story of a bygone era.
The origin of Kalleswara Swami Temple dates back to the period of 13th century and is attributed to the Yadava dynasty. The temple has the holy shrine that is dedicated to Lord Shiva. A lot of legends and myths are associated with this temple. Kalleswara Swami Temple

Explore India most popular tourist destination with us. Kalleswara Swami Temple In India: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from India main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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