Dolmens and Ayyanar Images, Poyyamanai And Virudupatti In India: History,Facts, & Services

Dolmens and Ayyanar Images, Poyyamanai And Virudupatti You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in India.


Dolmens and Ayyanar images, Poyyamanai and Virudupatti are megalithic structures from Tamil Nadu in India. The structures date from the Iron Age and are mainly found in the eastern parts of the state. There are a number of different types of structures mapping to three distinct types all made from granite or gneiss, including dolmens, Ayyanar images, and Poyyamanai shelters. Poyyamanai is unique, as it includes a hearth. The sites remain largely unknown and need further exploration to understand their use. This national monument of India portrays the history and culture of the country.


The prominent features of Dolmens and Ayyanar images, Poyyamanai and Virudupatti include their large size and construction material. Dolmens are megalithic structures constructed of four upright stones, often with a stone capstone, that generally dates back to the Iron Age. Ayyanar images are large sculptures of hero stones depicting human figures, weapons, and animals that are typically up to 1.5m in length. Poyyamanai shelters are three-sided structures made from massive stone blocks that enclose a small hearth. You must visit one of these historical places in India on your India tour

Interesting facts:

1. Dolmens and Ayyanar images, Poyyamanai and Virudupatti are some of the oldest known structures in Tamil Nadu of India. 2. It is thought that Poyyamanai shelters were used as ritualistic shrines. 3. Ayyanar images serve as an important source of history about the Iron Age in Tamil Nadu. 4. The structures may have been constructed for spiritual or metaphysical purposes.Visit one of the famous monuments of India with your friends and family.

Explore India most popular tourist destination with us. Dolmens and Ayyanar Images, Poyyamanai And Virudupatti In India: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from India main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Dolmens: Poyyamanai Ayyanar Images: Virudupatti India

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