Dashavatqra temple In India: History,Facts, & Services

Dashavatqra Temple Overview Dashavatqra temple is one of the renowned Hindu temples in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India. It is dedicated to Lord Vishnu and located on the southern bank of the Periyar River. Prominent Features The temple is noted for its intricate carvings and architectural designs with 84 exquisitely carved pillars along with four level vimana, each festooned with a different and unique color-pink for the bottom level, yellow for the second, white for the third and blue for the topmost one. Also, it has a five–tiered, 360 feet tall temple tower that is dedicated to Lord Padmanabha. History According to the legends, the 10th century King Rajashekhara Pandya was a devotee of Lord Vishnu, who built this temple as a tribute to him. The King was believed to have built the walls of the temple by personally lifting the blocks of stone with his own hands. Interesting Facts Dashavatqra is the only temple in Madurai which has the holy footprints of Lord Vishnu, where devotees come to worship and offer their prayers. Dashavatqra is also a popular pilgrimage spot and is visited by devotees from all over the country.

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