Cooch Behar Palace In India: History,Facts, & Services

Cooch Behar Palace Overview Cooch Behar Palace, also known as the Victory Palace, is a grand palace constructed in the 19th century by the Koch dynasty in the town of Cooch Behar, West Bengal, India. It was built by Maharaja Nripendra Narayan, the Maharaja of the Indian state. It is one of the few surviving palaces in the region and has been declared a protected monument under the Archaeological Survey of India. Prominent Features The palace has a striking resemblance to the Buckingham Palace in London and was built using columns, pilasters and arches, and was covered with stucco and white marble. The entrance to the palace is guarded by four lion statues with a dome-shaped building in the centre. The interior of the palace is crafted with intricate artwork, murals, paintings and frescoes, while the terraces and balconies display stained-glass windows, wrought iron grills and decorative balustrades. History The construction of the palace was started in 1887 and was completed by 1890. It served as the residence of the ruling family of Cooch Behar and was used as a venue for royal celebrations, receptions and entertainment. During the Partition of India, the palace was taken over by the government but the royal family regained ownership in 1949. Interesting Facts The palace was destroyed by an earthquake in 1897 but was later rebuilt in 1898. A large portion of the palace is open to the public and often serves as a venue for religious functions, cultural events and fairs. The palace complex is also home to the Cooch Behar Museum, which has a collection of historical items, manuscripts and artifacts related to the Koch dynasty.

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    Cooch Behar, West Bengal

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Cooch Behar, West Bengal India

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