Caves and inscription at the Nana Pass (Naneghat) In India: History,Facts, & Services

Caves and inscription at the Nana Pass (Naneghat) You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in India.


The Nana Pass, or Naneghat, is a mountain pass located in the Western Ghats near Junnar in the Pune district of Maharashtra, India. It has historic importance as a trade route connecting the Konkan coast (western coast) to the Deccan Plateau (eastern coast) and is a popular destination for trekkers. The Caves and Inscription at the Nana Pass provide insight into the history of this important pass. Caves and Inscription at the Nana Pass (Naneghat) This national monument of India portrays the history and culture of the country.


The Nana Pass is dotted with several interesting features, including several ancient rock-cut structures, Brahmi and Devnagari inscriptions, and engraved images of Hindu Gods and Goddesses. The most prominent feature is a spacious rock-cut cave, overlooking a distant hill and the neighboring Konkan plateau. This cave, the Neneghat, possibly dates back to the 1st century BCE and may have served as a resting point for traders traveling between the Konkan Coast and the Deccan Plateau. Caves and Inscription at the Nana Pass (Naneghat) You must visit one of these historical places in India on your India tour

Interesting Facts:

One of the historical monuments of India,it tells the story of a bygone era.
The history of the Nana Pass is shrouded in mystery, but it seems as though the area may have been inhabited by humans as early as the 1st century BCE. During this time, the pass was an active trading route between the Konkan Coast and the Deccan Plateau, and the numerous rock-cut structures, Brahmi and Devnagari inscriptions found in the area testify to its importance. The area is also home to several ancient Hindu temples and shrines, indicating that the area was actively used for religious purposes as well. Caves and Inscription at the Nana Pass (Naneghat)

Explore India most popular tourist destination with us. Caves and inscription at the Nana Pass (Naneghat) In India: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from India main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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    Cave: Naneghat Inscription: Ashoka inscription of Cave No. 56

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Cave: Naneghat Inscription: Ashoka inscription of Cave No. 56 India

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