Ayesha Masjid, Gulmarg In India: Brief History,Architecture,Visiting Hours, & Travel Information

Brief History:

is that it is one of the oldest mosques in Kashmir, and was built in memory of the wife of Sultan Zain-ul-Abidin in the 15th century. Ayesha Masjid is a place of worship for both Muslims and Hindu pilgrims, as well as a popular tourist destination for photographers. It lies at the foot of Gulmarg Gondola in Peshawar Valley, located at an altitude of 8,850 feet above sea level. It is one of the most famous mosque in India which you must visit.


Ayesha Masjid is a 15th-century mosque located in the scenic hill station of Gulmarg in India. The masjid is built in the Mughal style of architecture with a verandah on its eastern facade. The mosque features five domes with a central semi-octagonal shaped dome on top. The mosque is built around an open courtyard with a perforated balustrade balcony and stands of two and a half storeys. The entrance is placed at the centre of the eastern façade and has an open arched entrance with calligraphy in between. Inside the mosque, there is an open prayer hall with a mihrab, which is decorated with traditional blue-and-white-tiles. The walls of the interiors are decorated with inscriptions. On the northern side, there is a porch which gives access to the private chambers. The exterior walls of the mosque are adorned with chattris and bulbul chattris. Apart from this, there are small beautifully carved windows set in the main structure and above the entrance door, which is also a characteristic of Mughal architecture. This is why, it is considered one of the most beautiful mosque in the world.

Visiting Hours:

Typically, the visiting hours of Ayesha Masjid, Gulmarg in India are from 6am to 8pm daily. However, there may be slight variations in the time depending on the visiting time of the mosque. best mosque in the world.

Travel Information:

Ayesha Masjid is one of the most important religious sites in Gulmarg, India. It is situated on the east bank of Alpather Lake, which is just 5km from the town centre. The masjid was built by a local ruler and is known to be the oldest in the town. It is a two-storey structure with a large dome in the centre and several minarets on the side. The mosque offers an amazing view of the valley and the mountains surrounding it. The best way to get to Ayesha Masjid is by bus or taxi from the nearest town of Baramulla. It is approximately a 45-minute drive from Baramulla to Ayesha Masjid. There is plenty of parking available at the site, making it an ideal spot for day trips from Baramulla. Other nearby attractions include the Hazratbal Shrine, Charar-e-Sharief, and the Brein Nag Temple. The town of Gulmarg itself is home to plenty of activities like golf, skiing, and trekking, making it a great place to spend a day or two. beautiful masjid.

Explore India most popular tourist destination with us. Ayesha Masjid, Gulmarg In India: Brief History,Architecture,Visiting Hours, & Travel Information,which is 0 km away from India main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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