EELK Nõmme Rahu Congregation In Estonia: History,Facts, & Services

EELK Nõmme Rahu Congregation In Estonia is one of the congregations of the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church. Located in the Nõmme district of the capital city of Tallinn, the congregation was founded in 1938 and was strongly supported by the local community. The church has a rich history full of dedication and service to the people of Estonia, providing spiritual counseling, youth programs, and promoting social justice throughout the country. The church's parishioners are active in promoting peace, justice, and care for the environment in Tallinn and throughout Estonia. The congregation is also vibrant in its involvement with the wider interdenominational Christian community in eastern Europe, meeting regularly for fellowship and to discuss fellowship matters. The congregation also supports community outreach initiatives such as disaster relief and refugee services. EELK Nõmme Rahu Congregation In Estonia services include worship services, Bible study, Sunday School programs, and other events designed to aspire to greater connections between its members and with the public at large.

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