Ancient Idalion In Cyprus: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Ancient Idalion In Cyprus is an ancient city located in the east of the island, which was an important and thriving urban centre in the eastern Mediterranean region for more than 500 years. It was one of the major cities of the ancient Roman province of Cyrenaica in the north east of Cyprus. It was first inhabited around 1000 BC, and was an important trading hub for the Mycenaean Greeks in the Aegean Sea region and the Canaanites in the Levant. Archaeological evidence suggests that the city was an important administrative and religious centre in its heyday, and that it was probably an autonomous city-state. Idalion was destroyed by Alexander the Great in 333 BC and has been uninhabited since then. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Cyprus
Prominent Features:

1. Ancient Acropolis: The acropolis of the ancient city of Idalion was a fortified area built on a hill. It was home to political and religious leaders, and it served as a central hub of government. 2. Temples and other monuments: This ancient city was home to many temples and monuments dedicated to various gods, including Apollo. One of the most famous temples was the sanctuary of Apollo Lyceus, a patron of learning and scientific knowledge. 3. Idalion Museum: Visitors can explore the city's history at the Idalion Museum, which houses artifacts excavated from the city of wonders. This includes ancient pottery, coins, seal stones, and sculptures. 4. Idalion Necropolis: This was a large cemetery located on the side of the acropolis. Some of the tombs have been dated to around 2000 BC and include interesting artifacts such as bronze age weapons and stone tools. 5. Peirene Aqueducts: Many impressive hydraulic engineering projects still survive today, such as the Peirene Aqueducts. These impressive structures allowed the citizens of Idalion to bring water from the Geyros Valley and expand the city into a lush garden. This national monument of Cyprus portrays the history and culture of the country.


Idalion was an ancient city-kingdom located in central-western Cyprus, in the picturesque region of Marathasa valley. It is believed that the city was founded during the 13th century BC, initially established as a kingdom by the Mogenetes, a Phoenician tribe. This kingdom was later part of the Assyrian Empire during the 8th century BC, and was eventually annexed by the expansionist Persian Empire in the 5th century BC. Most of the material record of Idalion was destroyed or lost during the dynastic struggles between the Phonecians and Persians. However, some fragments of the city's history remain. Most notably, the city was known as one of the major players in the Punic Wars. During this time, they managed to remain independent and loyal to their mother-tribe despite the powerful forces that tried to conquer it. During the same time period, Idalion also established trading links and communication networks with other contemporary city states in Hesperis, Maina, Byblos, and Miletus. Most of the archaeological remains of Idalion are attributed to the Hellenistic Period, most likely due to its annexation by the Greek general Alexander the Great in 311 BC. This is evidenced by the pottery and coins found in the city, as well as ruins of temples that follow the typical Greek and Hellenistic architectural models. Of particular note is the Diktynnaion, which is believed to have been a sanctuary devoted to the goddess of childbirth. Idalion eventually fell under the control of the Roman Empire, and was then later occupied by the Ottomans in the 16th century. In the late 19th century, the city was finally annexed in the independent Republic of Cyprus. Today, Idalion is a small village facing the main highway to Limassol and is a popular stop amongst tourists interested in discovering more about the town's ancient history. You must visit one of these historical places in Cyprus on your Cyprus tour

Interesting facts:

1. Idalion was one of the earliest cities in Cyprus, believed to have been founded around 2000 BCE. 2. Idalion was the political center of the island during the Iron Age. It was ruled by the Chabiri until it was invaded by the Assyrian forces in 709 BC and destroyed. 3. In antiquity the city was known as Etz-hadad (the city of Hadad) in reference to the local god of rain and storm clouds, Hadad. 4. Archaeological excavations have revealed a 5th century BCE temple at Idalion, dedicated to Zeus, the principal god of the Greek pantheon. 5. Idalion has a long history of habitation in the middle and later Bronze Age. Excavations of the site have yielded more than 11,000 pottery sherds, testifying to the importance of the city in antiquity. 6. Idalion is believed to be the home of the legendary Telkhines, strange humanoid creatures from Greek mythology. 7. In the 4th century BCE the city became a center of cult worship for Sabazios, an Anatolian identified with the Greek god Zeus, and cult worship for Isis, the Egyptian goddess of health, nature, and magic. 8. In Hellenistic times, the city was known as Diokleia, named after the local chieftain and general Diokles, son of Timon. 9. Idalion was sacked by the Romans in 49 BCE during Caesar’s campaign against the Pompey faction, and was conquered by Pompey in 48 BCE. 10. The city was later made the capital of the Roman province of Cyprus during the early imperial period. 11. Idalion was an important Christian center by the third century, and several churches were built in the city during the Byzantine period. 12. Idalion is believed to be the birthplace of Irene, the mother of the Byzantine Emperor Nero. Visit one of the famous monuments of Cyprus with your friends and family.

Explore Cyprus most popular tourist destination with us. Ancient Idalion In Cyprus: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Cyprus main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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