Revolution Square - Santiago de Cuba In Cuba: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Revolution Square or Plaza de la Revolucion ("Revolution Square") is a large city square in Santiago de Cuba. It is located at the intersection of two of the city's main streets, Heredia and Cespedes. The square is a popular tourist destination, and it is home to a number of iconic symbols of Cuban community and history, including the National Library of Cuba, the Julio Antonio Mella monument, and José Martí's bronze statue. It has served as a venue for public celebrations and rallies, and it plays a major role in Santiago de Cuba's annual carnival celebrations. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Cuba
Prominent Features:

, Revolution Square is the perfect place to experience the country’s history, culture, and politics all at once. Located in downtown Santiago de Cuba, the square is full of iconic monuments that are recognized all around the world, such as the memorial to Carlos Manuel de Cespedes and the impressive José Martí monument. There's also a giant bronze statue of Fidel Castro watching over the square. On the north side of Revolution Square stands the former Presidential Palace, currently the Museo de la Revolución, one of the most important museums in the city with one of the largest collections of Cuban revolutionary art and memorabilia. The square is a focal point of many of the city's public festivals, cultural events, and political rallies, including May Day celebrations, the anniversary of the Cuban Revolution’s victory, and New Year’s festivities. One of the most remarkable aspects of Revolution Square is the energy and excitement that buzzes through it—whether on festive occasions or on a normal day, the square is always full of life. This national monument of Cuba portrays the history and culture of the country.


, Revolution Square or Revolution Plaza is located in Santiago de Cuba and has a long and varied history. It has functioned many different purposes throughout the decades, and it is the centerpiece of the city. The area now known as Revolution Square has been used since before the 17th century. It was known as the Plaza Nueva, after the new Creole-style city was built around it. It was the first public park in Santiago de Cuba and served as a gathering place for important events and ceremonies. In the 19th century, Revolution Square was the site of a major military cantonment. General Antonio Maceo was the first to establish a military base in the square in order to repel attacks from Spain during the Cuban War of Independence. The Revolution Square was a major site during the Cuban Revolution. In 1953, Fidel Castro led a failed attack on the military barracks at nearby Moncada Barracks in Santiago de Cuba. After being imprisoned in 1955, Castro gave his famous “History Will Absolve Me” speech in the square, which cemented the Cuban Revolution and made him a national hero. In 1978, the Cuban government renamed the square Revolution Square in honor of the Cuban Revolution. Since then, it has become the site of many important national events, such as May Day marches and other revolutionary rallies. Today, Revolution Square is one of the most important symbols of Cuban national pride. The square is surrounded by monuments and sculptures honoring Cuban icons such as José Martí, Che Guevara, and Antonio Maceo. It has been declared a National Heritage Site and a National Monument, and continues to draw large crowds every day. You must visit one of these historical places in Cuba on your Cuba tour

Interesting facts:

's history, Revolution Square in Santiago de Cuba has been the site of many important events. 1. On January 1, 1959 Fidel Castro declared the triumph of the Cuban Revolution from the balcony of the Santiago de Cuba Town Hall located in the square. 2. Revolution Square is also the site of the tomb of Jose Martí, a hero of Cuban independence. 3. On the square there is also a giant bronze replica of the sword wielded by Antonio Maceo, a war hero of the Cuban War of Independence. 4. Revolution Square serves as the home of the iconic Parque Cespedes. It is the place of political demonstrations and the venue for numerous concerts and festivals. 5. Every July 26th in Santiago de Cuba, the place is packed to celebrate the anniversary of the Cuban Revolution. 6. A huge portrait of Che Guevara is located on the east side of the square and is the traditional place of March of the Torches, held on December 28th of every year. 7. Revolution Square is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site, recognized for its importance in the history of Cuba. Visit one of the famous monuments of Cuba with your friends and family.

Explore Cuba most popular tourist destination with us. Revolution Square - Santiago de Cuba In Cuba: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Cuba main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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    Revolution Square (Plaza de la Revolución) is located in Santiago de Cuba.

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Revolution Square (Plaza de la Revolución) is located in Santiago de Cuba. Cuba

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