Novi život Neovisna Baptistička CrkvaIn Croatia: History,Facts, & Services

Novi život Neovisna Baptistička Crkva is a growing congregation in Isadora, North Carolina, with a commitment to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Founded in 1967, it stands as a symbol of hope, faith and service to the surrounding communities. We believe in developing meaningful relationships with one another, sharing friendship, and showing God’s love to all. Our services focus on praise and worship, teaching and learning, outreach and missions. We strive to be a positive influence in our neighborhood, empowering people to grow in faith and have a deepened relationship with God. We welcome all those who would like to grow and serve the Lord on their spiritual journey.

Explore Croatia most popular tourist destination with us. Novi život Neovisna Baptistička CrkvaIn Croatia: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Croatia main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Montana Croatia

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