Basilique-Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Québec - Quebec City, Quebec In Canada: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Basilique-Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Québec is the oldest Catholic cathedral in the Americas since its establishment in 1647, consecrated in 1666. It is a National Historic Site of Canada and a major religious center. The basilica is dedicated to the Virgin Mary and stands as a symbol of the city of Quebec, the birthplace of French-speaking North America. Inside, the cathedral has a renowned pipe organ, a unique history mural, and a large pulpit to accommodate its priests. Its iconic towers reach high into the Québec skyline and visitors can enjoy their height by taking the elevator up to the viewing platform and admiring the remarkable views of Old Quebec. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Canada
Prominent Features:

's oldest Catholic church, visitors to the Basilique-Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Québec can find some incredible features of French-Canadian architecture. The cathedral was built between the mid 1800s and early 1900s, and some of its most prominent features are its four octagonal towers, each of which weighs 3,000 tons; its Guimard Porte, a large bronze entrance gate with reliefs that depict scenes from the Nativity; and its 18th-century organ, which was rescued from a fire in France and brought to Quebec City. Inside, the main altar and baldacchino of the 19th-century Neo-Baroque Chapel of the Sacred Heart are equally stunning. The cathedral is also known for its Gothic-style rose window, which is one of the largest in North America. Besides its beautiful architecture, the Basilique-Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Québec is also home to several special artifacts, such as Hector Guimard’s polychrome ceramic tiles and the reliquary containing the relics of Saint John Berchmans. The cathedral also holds a plethora of 18th- and 19th-century religious artworks. Visitors can also take the time to appreciate its many stained-glass windows, statues, and paintings. This national monument of Canada portrays the history and culture of the country.


The Basilique-Cathedrale Notre-Dame de Quebec, commonly known as the Basilica of Quebec City, is the oldest Roman Catholic parish in Canada, and the first to be named a Basilica. Built around 1647, it is one of the oldest parish churches in North America and is considered by some as the spiritual mother of the province of Quebec. The first structure in the area where the Basilica is located was a small chapel built by Pierre Boucher in 1641. The site was chosen due to its proximity to the newly founded St. Lawrence mission, which was one of the first settlements in New France. Despite the chapel being burned down by the Iroquois in 1645, it was rebuilt in 1647 and dedicated to Notre-Dame de Quebec. Throughout the years, the chapel began to serve an increasing number of people. In 1683, with the arrival of Jesuits, the area was declared a parish and the chapel was upgraded to a church. Additional work was done throughout the year, and eventually it was seen fit to upgrade the building a second time, this time to the status of a cathedral. It was not until the late 19th century that the facade received new decorations, giving the appearance that it retains today. Extensive renovations were also done to the interior of the building throughout the 20th century. On June 12, 2008, in recognition of its centuries-old roots, the Cathedral was officially made a Basilica by Pope Benedict XVI. The announcement was made during a special mass celebrating the 350th Anniversary of Notre-Dame de Quebec. Today, the Basilica is a popular landmark in Quebec City and is visited by thousands of tourists and pilgrims each year. It is also a venue for special religious events, such as the annual Easter Sunday mass. It continues to serve its original purpose of providing a place for worship and for people to express their faith. You must visit one of these historical places in Canada on your Canada tour

Interesting facts:

1. The Basilique-Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Québec is the first and oldest cathedral in North America north of Mexico. It was built by the French explorer Samuel de Champlain in 1633. 2. The chapel was built to honor the patron saint of Québec, Notre-Dame de Québec (Our Lady of Québec). 3. The first bishop of Québec, Bishop Francois de Laval, was installed in the chapel in 1684, making it the first cathedral in Canada. 4. The iconic front door of the cathedral, called the "Porte Saint-Joseph", is located above a large, bronze statue of its namesake, Saint Joseph, holding the infant Jesus. 5. The basilica was declared a Historic Monument of Canada in 1998 and was distinguished as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2008. 6. The interior of the basilica is home to numerous works of art, including 16th century pulpit, 17th century crucifixes, 14th century marble statues of saints. 7. The main altar of the basilica was designed by Victor Bourgeau and was installed in 1895. 8. The oldest bell in the cathedral is the Velleux bell, which dates back to the early 17th century. It was believed to have been presented by the Governor-General of New France, Samuel de Champlain, in 1641. Visit one of the famous monuments of Canada with your friends and family.

Explore Canada most popular tourist destination with us. Basilique-Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Québec - Quebec City, Quebec In Canada: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Canada main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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