San Francisco Church, La Paz In Bolivia: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


San Francisco Church is located on Plaza Murillo, in La Paz, Bolivia, at the center of the nation’s capital. The church was built in the 17th century over the ruins of the ancient Inca palace in downtown La Paz. It is the second oldest church in the city and it is known for its Gothic and Baroque-style architecture. The church was originally built in 1618 by Spanish conquerors to honor the patron saint of La Paz, San Francisco de Asís. San Francisco Church features a number of different styles, including a neo-Gothic façade and Baroque interiors. Inside, the main altar and three side chapels are surrounded by intricate carvings and stained glass windows. The church is also home to artwork from Salvador Yu Karol, the most famous Bolivian artist of the twentieth century. Visitors can explore the church’s colorful historical paintings, and admire religious artifacts, such as a 16th-century wooden cross made in Oruro, Bolivia. San Francisco Church is open to visitors every day of the week and is a popular tourist destination in La Paz. Masses are held on Sundays and throughout the week. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Bolivia
Prominent Features:

The San Francisco Church, located in La Paz, Bolivia, is one of the oldest churches in the city and a must-see for visitors. The original construction was in 1610 making it one of the oldest colonial religious structures still standing in the country. The church is renowned for its colonial-style architecture. Its façade, which was constructed at the end of the 18th Century, features white stonework, finely cut pillared arches, as well as carved stonework that creates an impressive contrast against the dark brickwork of the surrounding buildings. Inside the church, visitors will find two gold-leafed chapels and a small bell tower. The main chapel houses a reredos (altarpiece) depicting several scenes of the life of San Francisco, an important religious figure in colonial-era Bolivia. The ceiling of the chapel shows an intricate fresco of religious figures and mountains, and its walls are adorned with large oil paintings. The church also features several sculptures of saints and religious figures, as well as a few colonial-era art pieces. The church provides a number of cultural activities including lectures, concerts and religious services. As such, it is a must-see in La Paz for visitors who are interested in learning more about the colonial period in Bolivia. This national monument of Bolivia portrays the history and culture of the country.


San Francisco Church located in La Paz, Bolivia, is one of the longest standing churches in the city. Located in the traditional downtown area, the church dates back to 1548, when it was founded by Spanish colonialists. San Francisco Church served as the local parish until the late 1800’s, when the population of La Paz grew too large for the building. In 1841, the church was rebuilt in the neoclassical style, and individual chapels were added for many of the congregations in the city. The main façade features an ironwork balcony, and the interior is sublime, with adornments made of gold. The stained glass windows for each of the chapels and the nave are some of the most masterful in Bolivia, and due to their representation of religious themes, they have earned the name 'Stations of the Cross'. Over the years, many restorations have been carried out for the church, with the latest undergoing in 1995. The baroque sculpture of the Virgen de la Paz, brought from the main church in El Alto, has been an important symbol of Catholicism for the city. This church is now a National Monument of Bolivia and each year it is visited by thousands of tourists and locals, not only for its intrinsic religious value but also for its beauty. You must visit one of these historical places in Bolivia on your Bolivia tour

Interesting facts:

1. The San Francisco Church in La Paz, Bolivia, is one of the most important traditional churches in the city, dating back to the 17th century. 2. The San Francisco Church is an example of Spanish colonial religious architecture and is considered one of the most beautiful and significant churches in the country. 3. It is known for its large and unique bell tower, featuring seven brass bells that mark the time in the city. 4. Inside the church are numerous carved and gilded wooden statues of religious figures, along with paintings and frescoes that cover its walls. 5. The church is dedicated to the Virgin of Urkupina, which is the patron saint of Bolivia, and the original altar is still intact. 6. The exterior of the San Francisco Church is covered in multicolored tiles, created by famed Bolivian artist Arturo Flores Salas. 7. Every year on October 4th, the San Francisco Church hosts the traditional annual pilgrimage of the Virgin of Urkupina. 8. The San Francisco Church is part of the World Heritage Site of Colonial La Paz, which includes 19 other churches in the area. Visit one of the famous monuments of Bolivia with your friends and family.

Explore Bolivia most popular tourist destination with us. San Francisco Church, La Paz In Bolivia: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Bolivia main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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San Francisco, La Paz Bolivia

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