Plaza 10 de Noviembre, Cochabamba In Bolivia: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


: Plaza 10 de Noviembre, known simply as Plaza Principal, is the main square of Cochabamba, Bolivia. It was inaugurated on November 10th, 1988, as a commemoration of the independence of Bolivia. The plaza is the center of downtown Cochabamba and the hub of the city's political, social, and economic life. On any given day, the plaza teems with events, such as public protests, community meetings, religious celebrations, food vendors, and street markets. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Bolivia
Prominent Features:

1. Statue of Christ the Redeemer: Located at the centre of the plaza, the bronze bronze statue of Christ the Redeemer stands 23 metres high with his arms spread out wide. The statue was a gift from Pope John Paul II in 1988 and is the second largest in the world. 2. Old Cathedral: This impressive brick-and-stone building is located in the northwest corner of the plaza. The original structure was built in 1572 and served as the seat of the Roman Catholic Diocese for more than three centuries. It was reconstructed in 1950, and now serves as a Catholic museum. 3. Fountain of Justice: This impressive monument is shaped in the form of a fountain made of bronze and marble, depicting four figures representing justice, truth, law and love. 4. Flags of All Countries: This unique display of flags made out of aluminum located at the center of the plaza, is a symbol of Cochabamba's commitment to peace and unity. 5. Monument to Simón Bolívar and José de San Martín: This monument of two iconic South American figures pays homage to the two men who fought for independence during the Spanish Colonization. It features a 30-metre-high concrete column topped with a large bronze sculpture of both Bolívar and San Martín. This national monument of Bolivia portrays the history and culture of the country.


The Plaza 10 de Noviembre (November 10th Square) is a public square located in the downtown area of Cochabamba, Bolivia. The square is considered to be the “main square” of the city, and it is home to many important political, religious, and civil events. It is a major gathering place for the city's residents, especially during the major festivities of Carnival and the Virgen de Urkupiña. The Plaza was first created in 1831 under the rule of Antonio José de Sucre, a Venezuelan general and the second president of Bolivia. Its known name was established in 1902, when it was officially declared National Day in Bolivia to commemorate the overthrow of President Manuel Isidorias Camacho. Today, it is a popular destination for locals and tourists alike, and it is one of the most popular sites in Cochabamba. The Plaza 10 de Noviembre was recently undergoing a major renovation that was completed in October, 2011. This renovation included the installation of a new lighting system, improvements to the walkways, and the expansion of the square to unite it with San Roque Square as one whole area. This project was a collaboration between the city of Cochabamba and the Fundación Núcleo Pampa, an NGO in the region. The Plaza 10 de Noviembre continues to be a hub of activity in Cochabamba. From political rallies to religious processions, the square is the destination for major events throughout the year. It is also the site of many small local festivals, including the Festival Internacional Indígena, which is an annual celebration of indigenous culture. Locals also gather in the evenings to socialize and enjoy the atmosphere of the square. You must visit one of these historical places in Bolivia on your Bolivia tour

Interesting facts:

1. Plaza 10 de Noviembre is the main square in Cochabamba, Bolivia. 2. It is located in front of the San Francisco Cathedral and is a popular meeting place for locals and tourists alike. 3. The square was given its current name in 1809 to commemorate the beginning of the struggle for Bolivian independence. 4. It is also the site of many of Cochabamba’s regular festivals and parades, including the Carnaval parade in February and the Corpus Christi parade in June. 5. Every Tuesday around sunset in November, the square is lit up with thousands of candles for the 'Luminarias' festival, in which performers of all kinds mingle in the crowds and light a large cross. 6. Plaza 10 de Noviembre also hosts a farmers market every Thursday, where local produce and handicrafts are available for sale. 7. It has also been the site of a few notable political protests, including school boycotts in 2007 and anti-neoliberal protests in 2010. Visit one of the famous monuments of Bolivia with your friends and family.

Explore Bolivia most popular tourist destination with us. Plaza 10 de Noviembre, Cochabamba In Bolivia: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Bolivia main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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