Kharbandi Gompa In Bhutan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Kharbandi Gompa is a Buddhist monastery located in the Phobjikha Valley in Bhutan. It is situated on a hill overlooking the valley and was constructed in 1967 by the Queen Mother Ashi Phuntsho Choden Wangchuck. The monastery houses a shrine and a number of sacred statues and religious artifacts, and is an important site of pilgrimage. The views of Phobjikha Valley from the monastery are breathtaking and the tranquil atmosphere makes the monastery a great place to spend some time in contemplation and prayer. There are also some Tibetan shops and a cafe in the grounds of the park. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Bhutan
Prominent Features:

1. Located in the eastern district of Trashiyangtse, Bhutan, Kharbandi Gompa is a 17th-century Tibetan Buddhist monastery. 2. It’s perched on a ridge across the river from the nearby township of Kharbandi. 3. Built in 1667 by Tenzin Rabgye, the 4th Druk Desi, or ruler of Bhutan, it was originally located in the Dalai Lama's private garden at the Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet. 4. The Gompa contains the kora (Buddhist ritual circuit), meditation halls, sacred shrines, and exquisite frescoes. 5. Unusual among Bhutanese monasteries, the temple is multi-storied, containing a two-storied main temple as well as other buildings for monks to reside in. 6. The monastery houses an extensive collection of statues and sacred objects, including statues of Sakyamuni, Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal, Guru Rinpoche, and Green and White Taras. 7. The new temple features vivid gold-framed paintings of Buddhist masters and goddesses, along with instruments used in the religious ceremonies of the Drukpa Lineage. This national monument of Bhutan portrays the history and culture of the country.


Kharbandi Goempa is a small Buddhist monastery located in the Phobjika Valley of Bhutan. It was founded in the late 17th century by Lodro Thsering, son of Terton Pema Lingpa, the revered Bhutanese saint and discoverer of many of Bhutan's important religious treasures. The monastery is home to many monastic works by the great master Pema Lingpa, including the Kangso Tshigpo Cham, the most sacred ritual in Bhutan. Kharbandi is also known as one of the few meditation institutes open to the public in Bhutan. In the early 1990s, the revered meditation master, Kapla Gatshelwang, established the Trulkor Thutob meditation centre at Kharbandi. Offering meditation classes, and providing a tranquil and peaceful environment for practitioners, it has become the first of its kind in Bhutan. Kharbandi also houses other important historical artefacts, including paintings from various conservationists and pedigreed family heirlooms. It is also home to the remains of the 3rd Druk Desi, Chogyal Gyalse Tenzin, who passed away in 1899. The monastery itself is highly revered by Bhutanese Buddhists, who often come to pray and receive blessings from the presiding monk. Monks from Kharbandi often carry out rituals for members of their monastic order at Pema Lingpa's important spiritual sites throughout Bhutan, and the ceremonies at such times are packed with devotees and onlookers alike. The monastery's connection to the world famous Pema Lingpa and its status as one of Bhutan's oldest and most esteemed monasteries make Kharbandi Gompa an important pilgrimage site and cultural destination in Bhutan. You must visit one of these historical places in Bhutan on your Bhutan tour

Interesting facts:

1. Kharbandi Gompa is a famous Buddhist monastery located in the picturesque Phobjikha Valley in Bhutan. 2. The monastery was founded by the 18th century yogi, Kunzang Tenzin in 1745. 3. Kharbandi Gompa includes a main temple and several residential units for monks. 4. The monastery is known for its impressive and ornate design, featuring vibrant murals, statues, and intricate carved wood designs. 5. The monastery complex is said to have been built by the 5th desi ruler of Bhutan. 6. The main temple of the monastery houses a 12-foot high statue of Shakyamuni Buddha. 7. Kharbandi Gompa is known as one of the most important places in Bhutan due to its rich cultural and religious significance. 8. It is a popular pilgrimage site for Buddhists and is visited by tourists from around the world. Visit one of the famous monuments of Bhutan with your friends and family.

Explore Bhutan most popular tourist destination with us. Kharbandi Gompa In Bhutan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Bhutan main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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