Xunantunich Upper Temple In Belize: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Xunantunich is an ancient Maya archaeological site located near the village of San Jose Succotz in western Belize, in the Cayo District. The site is located atop a ridge above the Mopan River, well within sight of the Guatemalan border – which is only a half a kilometre to the southwest. Xunantunich was one of the largest and most impressive cities in the Maya world during the Classic era, and today the remains of several impressive temples and monuments can still be seen at the site. The most famous of these is the Castillo, or "Castle," a pyramid temple that rises over 40 meters above the plaza, commanding a spectacular view of the entire region. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Belize
Prominent Features:

1. Carved Friezes: Xunantunich's Upper Temple features large limestone carvings that depict elaborate religious scenes, including the Maya solar god in a jaguar headdress, the sun god Kinich Ahau, and the death god Xibalba. 2. Staircase: The Upper Temple is accessed by a steeply tiered staircase that is both grand and intricately designed. It is an impressive piece of Mayan art, with its nine tiers representing the nine levels of the Mayan world. 3. El Castillo Platform: The Upper Temple sits atop a 45-foot-high platform, known as El Castillo. The platform is surrounded by a wooden railing with Mayan masks, which can be spotted when looking up from the bottom of the staircase. 4. Ritual Ballcourt: Just to the east of the platform is a ritual ballcourt, thought to be used by cofradias, or religious fraternities. 5. Central Acropolis: Just to the east of the platform is the central acropolis, thought to have accommodated the courtly elite during public rituals. This national monument of Belize portrays the history and culture of the country.


Xunantunich is an ancient Maya archaeological site located in present-day Cayo District, Belize. It is located on a hill above the Mopan River, within sight of the Guatemala border and the village of San Jose Succotz. The name Xunantunich comes from the Yucatec Maya language, and is frequently translated as "Stone Woman" or "Maiden of the Rocks". It is also sometimes referred to as "the place of the stone woman" or "the Hill of the Stone Woman". Its earliest history likely begins around 550 AD, though there is evidence of earlier settlement from as early as 1200 BC. The site is believed to have been a major regional Maya political center in the Late and Terminal Classic periods (600 – 900 AD). This was followed by a period of decline leading up to the abandonment of the area by the mid-13th century with the collapse of the Maya civilization. The earliest monumental architecture dates from ca. 800 AD and the site continued to be occupied until it was abandoned in the mid-13th century. The core of the ruins consists of the remains of a stepped pyramid, with several buildings situated around it. The most famous building at the site is the Upper Temple, a massive stone temple-pyramid dating to ca. 830 AD. It stands nine stories tall, with a total height of 39 metres (128 feet). The pyramid is accessed by a stairway that leads to the first terrace where the Temple of the Masonry Altars is located. The top of the temple has six structures in a row. At its peak, Xunantunich was likely a densely populated ceremonial center and economic hub with several thousand Maya inhabitants. After its abandonment, the ruins lay undisturbed until the late 19th century when a series of archaeological investigations and excavations began, mostly by the British in the late 1800s. The site then became more accessible to the public when a visitors' center was built in the mid-1970s. Today visitors to Xunantunich can explore the site and experience the incredible architecture of the Maya, along with its many artifacts. The site receives thousands of visitors each year. You must visit one of these historical places in Belize on your Belize tour

Interesting facts:

1. Xunantunich was once a major political and ceremonial center from 800 AD to 900 AD. 2. The main gate of Xunantunich is a “Cave of Stone," or Stela 9, as it's known. This is the first el-Jabal structure ever discovered and is considered the most impressive. 3. Xunantunich is located atop an earthen garland, the largest known sequence of ancient Maya earthworks. 4. Xunantunich contains several large plazas surrounded by many important structures, plus two extensive study complexes. 5. A view from the top of the Xunantunich temple reveals the unique size and shape of the ancient Maya city as well as incredible views of the local rivers and villages. 6. Xunantunich is believed to have once been an important economic center in which goods were exchanged between tribes. 7. Xunantunich is considered one of the premier examples of the boundary-lessness of Mayan culture, where elements from various sites and various cities were combined to create a distinct architectural style - and setting. 8. Inside the temple, a massive stone figure of a female deity stands guard over the city. The sculpture dates to the early classic period of Mayan art and is thought to represent the goddess of fertility. Visit one of the famous monuments of Belize with your friends and family.

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