Lubaantun Stela Plaza In Belize: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Lubaantun Stela Plaza is located in the village of San Antonio in Belize. This plaza was built in 2009 and is part of the ancient Maya site of Lubaantun. The plaza consists of six large, carved stone stelas which are believed to represent the six lesser gods of Lubaantun. The plaza is open to the public free of charge, and provides a contemplative area for visitors to enjoy the beautiful view of the surrounding land. The site may be visited on an organized tour or simply by showing up to the location. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Belize
Prominent Features:

1. Stela Plaza: This is a large plaza at the center of the archaeological site that is surrounded by numerous stelae, or Maya carved monuments. It is thought to have served as a ceremonial center for the ancient Maya. 2. Masks: The plaza is decorated with numerous masks that are carved into the stelae, representing various Maya gods. 3. Temple Mound: In the center of the plaza stands a large temple mound that is surrounded by an elaborate stela plaza. 4. Ball Court: To the south of the plaza lies an ancient Maya ball court, where a form of the Mesoamerican sport Maya ballgame was once played. 5. Altar: In the middle of the plaza stands an ancient altar where ceremonies and human sacrifices were performed. This national monument of Belize portrays the history and culture of the country.


Lubaantun is a large ceremonial center of the ancient Maya civilization located in the southern Toledo District of Belize. The most notable feature of the site is a large, elaborate Stela Plaza. It is filled with carved altars and stelae which have been finely chiseled and inscribed with carvings and hieroglyphs. The site is believed to have been first occupied for ritual purposes by the Maya between 700 and 900 CE and was used up until the conquest of the Maya by the Spanish in the 16th century. During this period, it is believed that the Maya conducted ceremonies and rituals, including human sacrifice, at the site. The first mention of Lubaantun by the Spanish was in the 1590s when they recorded the site as “Luba,” or “Lubaantun.” It wasn’t until the late 19th century that scientists were first able to locate and investigate the site. T.A. Joyce, Belize’s first archaeologist, visited Lubaantun in the 1890s and documented the site, including the large Stela Plaza. His work helped to bring the site and its structures to light and begin the process of documenting the site’s history. Since then, the site has been studied in great detail, providing a wealth of information about the Maya and their history. Today the Stela Plaza is a major cultural attraction in Belize. Visitors can explore the plaza and view the carved stela and altars which are in excellent condition. It is a reminder of the majestic civilization of the Maya and their accomplishments in the region. You must visit one of these historical places in Belize on your Belize tour

Interesting facts:

1. Lubaantun is one of the easternmost Maya archaeological sites in Belize, located in the Toledo District approximately 25 miles from Punta Gorda, the district's chief town. 2. Lubaantun was occupied from approximately 750 to 1000 AD, and the site consists of plazas, palaces, and pyramids. 3. The most famous feature of Lubaantun is the Stela Plaza, a central area where ten carved stelae (tall stone monuments) were placed by the Maya and their first rulers and priests. 4. While the location of the stelae is unknown, researchers believe that Lubaantun's Stela Plaza was used to record historical events and to sacredly honor prominent people of the culture. 5. One of the most significant stelae uncovered at Lubaantun is known as Stela 21. This stela records the Succession of the Lady Nimalgom, a queen of the Maya city of Ucanal. 6. According to the inscription, Ucanal and Lubaantun were both allied city-states at the time of the succession of the Lady Nimalgom. 7. Some of the plazas at Lubaantun feature raised platforms and pillared buildings, thought to be of ceremonial importance. 8. Construction at Lubaantun was made from limestone and slate-like sandstone, with walls and foundations connected with a stone grease mortar composed of lime, salt, and powdered red stone. 9. Several of the structures that are visible today are thought to have been centers for astronomical observatories. 10. One of the most popular attractions at Lubaantun is the Blackman Eddy Cave system, a network of large and small caves connected by underground rivers and streams. The cave is believed to have ceremonial significance having been used in religious ceremonies by the ancient Maya. Visit one of the famous monuments of Belize with your friends and family.

Explore Belize most popular tourist destination with us. Lubaantun Stela Plaza In Belize: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Belize main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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