Church of Saints Boris and Gleb in Navahrudak In Belarus: History,Facts, & Services

Church of Saints Boris and Gleb in Navahrudak is an old Catholic church located in the city of Navahrudak, Belarus. The church is dedicated to the two Christian holy brothers, Boris and Gleb. It is believed to have been built in the 14th century, making it one of the oldest churches in the region. The church was damaged in the Second World War, but was later restored to its former glory. Today, the church serves as an important religious site in Navahrudak and continues to be visited by locals and tourists alike. History The exact date of when the Church of Saints Boris and Gleb in Navahrudak was built is not known. It is believed to have been constructed sometime in the 14th century by Duke Vytautas, who was the ruler of Navahrudak at the time. The church was then renovated in the 16th century, during the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth reign. The church was damaged in the Second World War, and was then taken over by the Soviet Union in 1946. During this time, it was used as a factory. The church was later restored back to its original state and remains in use today. Facts The Church of Saints Boris and Gleb in Navahrudak is a Gothic style church with a Baroque façade. It has a bell tower, three naves and a gallery. Inside the church, there are many interesting works of art, including 17th century icons, the oldest which date back to the 14th century. There is also an altar which was rebuilt in the 17th century. Services Today, the Church of Saints Boris and Gleb in Navahrudak is still active, holding weekly mass services from Wednesday to Sunday. The church also has an annual festival in honor of Saints Boris and Gleb which usually takes place in the spring. The church is open for public visits and it is free of charge for those who want to admire its historic beauty and admire the works of art that are inside.

Explore Belarus most popular tourist destination with us. Church of Saints Boris and Gleb in Navahrudak In Belarus: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Belarus main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Navahrudak Belarus

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