Golan Seventh Day Adventist Church In Barbados: History,Facts, & Services

Golan Seventh Day Adventist Church In Barbados is a church located in Barbados that adheres to the teachings of the Seventh Day Adventists. It was established in 1955 as the first Seventh Day Adventist church in Barbados and is the birthplace of Adventistism in the country. It has played a large role in the growth and development of the Seventh Day Adventist Church throughout Barbados. The church offers religious services such as baptisms, weddings, funerals, Bible study classes, and worship services. They also host a variety of community-based programs such as food pantries, clothing drives, and outreach. The church is committed to serving their local community and beyond with love and kindness.

Explore Barbados most popular tourist destination with us. Golan Seventh Day Adventist Church In Barbados: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from Barbados main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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    St. Michael

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St. Michael Barbados

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