Bali Shell Museum

The Bali Shell Museum is a museum dedicated to showcasing an extensive collection of shells from around the world. It is located in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia, and is a popular destination for tourists and shell enthusiasts alike.

In 1931, architect P.J. Moojen constructed the museum near the site of the former Denpasar royal palace, which had been destroyed by fire during the Dutch intervention in Bali (1906). The museum took its inspiration from the palace's exterior walls and courtyards. The museum is housed in four main buildings: Tabanan, which houses the museum's collection of theatrical masks and musical instruments; Karangasem, which houses sculptures and paintings; Buleleng, which houses textiles; and Timur, which houses archeological finds. It can be found on the eastern side of Denpasar's main square, Taman Puputan. 

The museum features over 1,000 species of shells, including rare and exotic specimens that are not commonly found in other museums. The collection includes a variety of shells such as cowries, cones, murexes, and many more. The shells are arranged in a systematic manner to make it easy for visitors to identify and learn about them.

In addition to the shells, the museum also has exhibits of other marine creatures such as starfish, sea urchins, and corals. Visitors can purchase shells and shell-related souvenirs from the gift shop.

Overall, the Bali Shell Museum is a great place to visit for anyone interested in marine life and shell collecting. It provides a unique opportunity to see and learn about a vast collection of shells from around the world.

Explore Bali's most popular tourist destination with us. Bali Shell Museum,which is 1065.96 km away from Bali main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.


Explore Bali most popular tourist destination with us. Bali Shell Museum,which is 1065.96 km away from Bali main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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767 Pemogan Bali Indonesia

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