Monumento al Ángel de la Resurrección (Buenos Aires) In Argentina: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Monumento al Ángel de la Resurrección is a memorial in Buenos Aires that commemorates the resurrection of the fallen soldiers in the Argentine War of Independence. The monument, located in front of the Metropolitan Cathedral of Buenos Aires, was designed by Italian sculptor Rogelio Yrurtia and unveiled in 1929. The angel depicted on the monument is shown with wings spread, standing triumphant over a fallen soldier while the Archangel Michael carries the Argentine tricolor flag in his hands. The memorial includes several sculptures depicting the scenes of the major battles that took place during the war of independence from Spain and honoring the fallen. The monument also serves as a reminder to future generations of the sacrifices that had to be made in order for Argentina to gain its independence and freedom. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Argentina
Prominent Features:

, the Monumento al Ángel de la Resurrección is found in Buenos Aires. The monument is dedicated to the valor of the country’s fallen soldiers in the battles of San Lorenzo and Vuelta de Obligado during the War with Brazil in 1851. This monument is one of the most prominent features in the Plaza de Mayo, located in the city center. The monument stands 21 meters tall and was designed by Ernesto Pintos in the neogothic architectural style. It features an angel draped in a white stone cloak while holding a laurel wreath over its head. The entire sculpture is set atop a 10-meter tall granite pedestal. The base displays plaques engraved with the names of the fallen soldiers. The Monumento al Ángel de la Resurrección serves as a reminder of the bravery and honor of Argentina’s military heroes. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Argentina.


, the Monumento al Ángel de la Resurrección (the Monument to the Angel of the Resurrection) is a memorial dedicated to those who died during the Falklands War (also known as the Malvinas War). The monument was designed by Argentinian sculptor José Fioravanti, and it is located in the city of Buenos Aires. The monument consists of a large central statue of an angel – symbolizing the fallen soldiers - surrounded by an octagonal pink granite base. On the four faces of the base are the names of the fallen soldiers from the 1982 conflict. The angel's wings are equipped with thousands of small glass hearts placed by relatives, friends and visitors of the monument. The monument was officially erected on 12 April 1994, during a national ceremony in memory of those who died fighting for Argentina's sovereignty, and as a tribute to the peace process in the region. The monument stands as a reminder that Argentina should always strive to maintain a peaceful coexistence and good relationship with its neighbours. Visit one of the famous monuments of Argentina with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

, the Monument to the Angel of the Resurrection (Monumento al Ángel de la Resurrección) is one of the most iconic public works ever constructed. The architect of the monument is Pasqualino di Belviso, a well-known Italian sculptor who studied in Rome and Milan and brought the designs back with him from Italy in 1892. The monument was completed in 1913 and stands at the entrance of what was once known as Cementerio de la Recoleta, one of the most important necropolises in South America. The Monument to the Angel of the Resurrection is said to symbolize the immortality of the soul. The focus of the sculpture is an angel with outstretched wings, arms raised in supplication, and feet pointing downwards, as if descending from heaven. The angel appears to be made of white marble, although some parts are thought to have been made of bronze and other metals. The rest of the monument was built of red marble. The monument stands on a monumental base that is decorated with 8 angels, each with its own armament, which symbolizes justice, fraternity, charity, fatherland, faith, hope, peace, and truth. At the top is a tall bronze cross which is said to represent the resurrection of the souls. The Monument to the Angel of the Resurrection became a symbol of hope for all Argentineans and was highly praised by Pope Pius IX during his visit to Argentina in 1924. In the years since it has become a symbol of peace and celebration of life. It is now a popular tourist attraction and is a major part of the culture of Buenos Aires. One of the historical monuments of Argentina, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Argentina most popular tourist destination with us. Monumento al Ángel de la Resurrección (Buenos Aires) In Argentina: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Argentina main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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