Scott's Hill In Antigua-and-Barbuda: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Scott's Hill is a hill located in the Caribbean country of Antigua and Barbuda. This hill sits on the edge of the English Harbour and is known for its stunning views and year-round sunshine. In the past, Scott's Hill was home to cotton plantations, and the ruins of these can still be seen dotting the landscape. Today, the hill is a popular destination for tourists who come to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere and view the beautiful Caribbean sea. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Antigua-and-Barbuda
Prominent Features:

1. Fort George: This is an 18th century fortress atop Scott's Hill that was built by the British to protect the island from invasion. 2. Devils Bridge: This limestone land-bridge stretching across the seaside cliffs of Scott’s Hill was formed by natural erosion. 3. Devil’s Peak: A breathtaking view from the peak of Scott’s Hill, where one can see the entire island of Antigua and the islands surrounding it. 4. Nelson’s Museum: Named after Admiral Lord Horatio Nelson, who was stationed here in the 1700s. The museum showcases artifacts from British Royal Navy and local Antiguan cultures. 5. Tropical Gardens: Sprawling acres of blooming flora in a tranquil environment. It’s often the site of weddings and ceremonies. 6. Antigua Light House: One of the tallest lighthouses in the Caribbean, it offers a breathtaking view of the ocean from Scott’s Hill. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Antigua-and-Barbuda.


Scott’s Hill is a village located in northeast Antigua and Barbuda, in the Caribbean. It is connected to the island's capital, St. John's, by a major road. It was originally a plantation of the estate of Sir Julius Caesar, who was the first governor general of the Leeward Islands. The slave village of Scott’s Hill was located in the area in the 19th century. In the village there are a few old buildings from the colonial period, including the Roman (or Church) Catholic Church, which was built between 1845 and 1850. It was converted into a convent in the 1950s. The village also has a number of landmarks from the colonial era, such as the Garvey Memorial, which was built in 1890 to commemorate the Anguilla rebellion and recognize the heroism of the marooning of slaves who escaped from the estate. Scott’s Hill is also the birthplace of the famous Antigua-born poet and liberation strategist Sir Philip Sherlock. After studying in England he returned home and settled in Scott’s Hill, where he co-founded the Antiguan Labour Party and was actively involved in local politics, especially in matters related to land rights. Later in its history, Scott’s Hill was the location of a famous sugar factory owned by the Soufriere family. The factory was a major employer in the area and also served as a social center for the community. Its closure in the 1980s marked the end of the area’s status as an economic powerhouse, and the town today remains a quiet place where people come to relax and find peace. Visit one of the famous monuments of Antigua-and-Barbuda with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. Scott's Hill is the highest peak in the nation of Antigua and Barbuda, reaching a height of 1,319 feet (402 meters). 2. It is located in the Parish of Saint Philip and offers spectacular views of the Caribbean Sea and the island of Antigua. 3. The peak is named after the 19th century British Admiral Sir John Scott, who was the Governor of Antigua from 1806-1808. 4. The hill is home to some of the oldest vegetation in the Eastern Caribbean, and is a haven for biodiversity. 5. In 1977, the government of Antigua declared it a protected nature reserve. 6. There are many fascinating historical sites located around the hill such as an old colonial windmill, old ruins, and a fort. 7. The area is also popular for trekking, birdwatching, and off-roading. One of the historical monuments of Antigua-and-Barbuda, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Antigua-and-Barbuda most popular tourist destination with us. Scott's Hill In Antigua-and-Barbuda: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Antigua-and-Barbuda main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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St. John's Antigua-and-Barbuda

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