High Point Monument In Antigua-and-Barbuda: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


: The High Point Monument is a historic site located at the highest point on the island of Antigua and Barbuda. The monument stands 381 metres (1,250 ft) above sea level and is easily visible from anywhere in the capital city of St. John's. It was built in 1915 to commemorate the capital's status as the highest point in the entire British West Indies, a distinction which, according to a plaque at the base of the monument, it still holds. The monument stands at the summit of High Point hill which is located in Monks Hill National Park, St. John's. The area surrounding the monument is covered in lush vegetation including various endemic species of trees and plants, making it an ideal spot to observe local wildlife. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Antigua-and-Barbuda
Prominent Features:

The High Point Monument is located at Betty's Hope Estate in Antigua-and-Barbuda and it is a tall red-and-white stone monument that stands 79 feet (24 meters) tall. This notable landmark is the highest point on the island and it marks the highest elevation on Antigua-and-Barbuda at 1,292 feet (393 meters) above sea level. The monument was built in 1972 and it is one of the most important historical and cultural monuments on the island. Visitors to the area can take in spectacular views of the surrounding lush landscape from the summit of the monument. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Antigua-and-Barbuda.


The High Point Monument is located in Antigua-and-Barbuda and is the highest point in the country, standing at 1,319 feet. A national monument, it was erected by the government of Antigua-And-Barbuda in November 1989. The monument consists of a concrete cross mounted on a tall steel frame, topped by a Caribbean sun. It was designed by a local architect, Dr. E.A.G Joseph, and was dedicated to the memory of those who fought for the island's independence from the British Empire. Located on the highest peak of Mount Obama, High Point Monument is often used as a hiking and sightseeing destination for tourists. Every year on 31 October, the nation celebrates Independence Day. During this day, the site serves as a point of celebration for the local people as they commemorate their nation's rich heritage and independence. The site also provides a great view of nearby islands including Barbuda, Redondilla Island, and Nevis Island. Visitors can also see the many beaches and bays of Antigua-and-Barbuda from a distance. On a clear day, one may also be able to catch sight of the slopes of Mount Obama. From High Point Monument, visitors can hike to the nearby Lake Valley, which is the source of the island's fresh water supply. High Point Monument has become an important symbol of Antigua-and-Barbuda's culture and history, and a reminder of the nation's fight for freedom. It is an important destination for the island's people, and a popular tourist spot. Visit one of the famous monuments of Antigua-and-Barbuda with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The High Point Monument in Antigua-and-Barbuda is the highest point in the country and is located on the southwest side of the island of Barbuda. 2. The monument marks a 401 ft peak in the sparsely populated Barbuda, and is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Antigua and Barbuda. 3. The monument was constructed in 2014 to commemorate the island’s elevation and pay tribute to the resilient history and culture of the people of Barbuda. 4. The High Point Monument also serves as a signal tower for ships at sea. 5. The monument is a favorite spot for locals and visitors alike to take in panoramic views of Barbuda and beyond. 6. The High Point Monument also features a viewing deck, benches and a small gift shop complete with souvenirs and refreshments. One of the historical monuments of Antigua-and-Barbuda, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Antigua-and-Barbuda most popular tourist destination with us. High Point Monument In Antigua-and-Barbuda: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Antigua-and-Barbuda main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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    High Point Monument in Antigua and Barbuda is located in Mt. Bushy Hill.

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High Point Monument in Antigua and Barbuda is located in Mt. Bushy Hill. Antigua-and-Barbuda

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