Paynters Village In Antigua-and-Barbuda: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Paynters Village is a small community in the parish of St. George’s on the Caribbean island of Antigua and Barbuda. Located on the eastern side of the island near the village of Freetown, Paynters Village is home to an eclectic mix of locals from both Antigua and neighboring Caribbean islands. Although the village is unincorporated, there are some amenities, such as a small store selling food and sundries. Paynters Village is known for its laid-back atmosphere and friendly residents. Most of the village's activities take place in the nearby town of Freetown or at beaches and resorts on nearby Barbuda or Redonda. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Antigua-and-Barbuda
Prominent Features:

1. 18th-century sugar plantation ruins 2. UNESCO World Heritage Site 3. Prehistoric Amerindian archaeological finds 4. Biodiversity hotspot with mixing of rainforest and dry forests 5. Variety of rare and attractive flora and fauna 6. Churches and cemeteries with Colonial-era graves 7. Colonial buildings and ruins 8. Magnificent ocean and coastal views 9. Historic St. John’s National Park 10. Close proximity to the capital of St. John’s and to the international airport You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Antigua-and-Barbuda.


Paynters Village in Antigua-and-Barbuda is a small rural community located on the southeastern coast of the island of Antigua. It is close to the capital of St. John’s and has a population of around 350 people. Paynters Village has a history of over five hundred years. It is said to have been founded by the Paynter family who came to the island in 1650 from St Kitts. The area at the time had very little infrastructure and was used mainly for their plantation of sugar, cotton, indigo, and tobacco. Over time, Paynters Village built a reputation as a bustling port, trading in food, cloth, timber, and rum. In the late 1800s, the area experienced a decline in agricultural production, leading to a decrease in the population and an increase in poverty. As a result of this, a number of initiatives were put in place to try to improve the area. In the 1930s, a school was built and in 1951, Paynters Village was connected to a water supply. Despite their efforts, the area’s economy never fully recovered and Paynters Village remains a small, sleepy rural community today. However, it has enjoyed a recent resurgence in popularity as more people are discovering the idyllic beauty of its nature trails, beaches, and lagoons. Today, Paynters Village is a popular spot for both locals and tourists alike, to enjoy a variety of activities such as swimming, kayaking, bird-watching, and hiking. Visit one of the famous monuments of Antigua-and-Barbuda with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. Paynters Village is a small settlement located in the slopes of Mount Obama, about 7 kilometers east of the capital, St. John's. 2. The village was named for famous Antiguan merchant Joseph Henry Paynter, who owned the land where the village is now situated. 3. Paynters Village is most famous for having the ruins of an old sugar mill, the Paynters Mill, located nearby. The sugar mill was built by Joseph Henry Paynter in 1800 and was in operation until it burned down in1891. 4. The village also has its own unique tradition of making baskets out of cactus leaves which are called "Cherokees". 5. Due to its proximity to St. John's, the village has become a popular tourist destination, with people coming to visit the old ruin and take part in the traditional basket weaving activities. 6. Every year, on the first Sunday of August, the locals of Paynters Village organize a village festival in honor of Paynters Mill. During this festival, visitors can enjoy traditional music and learn about Antiguan cultures as well as enjoy a variety of local delicacies. One of the historical monuments of Antigua-and-Barbuda, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Antigua-and-Barbuda most popular tourist destination with us. Paynters Village In Antigua-and-Barbuda: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Antigua-and-Barbuda main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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