Saint Paraskevi Church, Tirana In Albania: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Saint Paraskevi Church is a Greek Orthodox church located in the capital city of Albania, Tirana. It was built in 1936 by Greek immigrants who had moved to Tirana on the order of King Zog. It is one of the few churches that were allowed to remain in Tirana when the country became a socialist state in 1945. The church is dedicated to Saint Paraskevi, who is one of the most important saints in the Eastern Orthodox Church and whose feast day falls on July 26. The church is a popular destination for pilgrims and visitors who want to learn more about the history and culture of Albania. The main church building has a beautiful façade, while the interior is similarly ornate and decorated. The church also features a museum that showcases artifacts and documents related to its history. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Albania
Prominent Features:

1. Located on the fringe of Tirana city center, the Church of Saint Paraskevi is an ornate Orthodox church dating back to the 16th century. 2. The main feature of this church is the two bell towers which flank the main entrance. 3. The interior is decorated with religious fresco art, making it a popular tourist destination. 4. The impressive mosaic cupola behind the altar is decorated with Christian symbols and representations of Biblical stories. 5. The domed roof rises to a cylindrical spire and is topped by a large gold cross. 6. Aside from this unusual feature, the building is made of standard red clay bricks, typical of many churches in Albania. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Albania.


St. Paraskevi Church in Tirana, Albania was first built in the mid-18th century, and then was rebuilt in 1777 out of stone. It was further modified in the beginning of the 20th century and expanded over the course of two decades, with its two-storey structure finally finished in 1926. The church was dedicated to the Saint Paraskevi, a 2nd century martyr, and served as both a spiritual and cultural center for the Orthodox community of Tirana. During the communist regime of Enver Hoxha (1944-1985) the church was used as a warehouse and for various other purposes. After the fall of communism, the church fell into disrepair and was vandalized. It underwent restoration in the late 1990s and received its first service in over 40 years in 1998. It has since become a popular tourist destination, attracting visitors from both Albania and abroad. The church is a mix of a variety of architectural styles, ranging from Byzantine to Romantic, and features traditional Byzantine iconography. Inside, it holds many items of religious significance such as icons and frescoes, and many relics of saints, including those of St. Paraskevi and Saint Anastasia. Additionally, the church is home to a beautiful white stone chandelier which was a gift from the Greek government in 1940. Today, the church remains a symbol of Christian faith and culture in Albania, and continues to be a popular destination for visitors hoping to immerse themselves in the local culture and history of Tirana. Visit one of the famous monuments of Albania with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. Saint Paraskevi Church is one of the oldest churches in Tirana, with its construction dating back to the 18th Century. 2. It is located in the square of the same name, which is the oldest square in the capital of Albania. 3. The church is dedicated to Saint Paraskevi of Rome, a renowned saint from the 5th Century. 4. The Saint's glorious icon is still preserved in this church and venerated by devoted parishioners. 5. The church is a UNESCO World Heritage site, symbolizing the significance of Albania’s Christian cultural heritage. 6. It has a colorful fresco painting by the famous Albanian painter, Kolë Idromeno, and hosts concerts and art exhibitions all year round. 7. The front facade is captivating: it is adorned with two squares with Corinthian columns and a small domed bell tower. 8. Its red Neo-Byzantine style rebuilt cupola dominates the skyline of Tirana. One of the historical monuments of Albania, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Albania most popular tourist destination with us. Saint Paraskevi Church, Tirana In Albania: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Albania main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Tirana Albania

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