Shrine of Khoja Abdullah Ansari, Herat In Afghanistan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


is a 1500-year-old shrine located in the city of Herat, Afghanistan, dedicated to the Sufi saint, Khoja Abdullah Ansari. The shrine is the largest in Afghanistan and is considered to be a significant pilgrimage site in the region. The shrine contains four stained glass domes, a mosque, and a guest house. The shrine is particularly visited by Shia Muslims, but also attracts followers of other faiths as well, including Sunnis, Zoroastrians, Hindus, and Baha'i. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Afghanistan
Prominent Features:

The Shrine of Khoja Abdullah Ansari is one of the famous shrines located in the city of Herat, in Afghanistan. This shrine, located in the city's old district, houses the grave of Khoja Abdullah Ansari, a famous Sufi mystic from the 11th century. The Shrine is an important destinations for both local and international pilgrims. It is one of the great gems of Afghan architecture but still has remained relatively undisturbed since the 11th century. The shrine is one of the most important architectural landmarks of Herat and of Afghanistan, as it is a trace of the ancient Afghani culture. The shrine was originally built around 1100. Its architecture is an excellent example of the Timurid period with unique features in particular the elongated doors and openings of the shrine structure. The outside as well as the central chamber of the Shrine have tiled walls and doors adorned with finely crafted colorful tiles. The interior of the shrine consists of several chambers each with its own sections. The main chamber contains the cenotaph of Khoja Abdullah Ansari and two silver plaques which depict his life story. In addition, there is a hall of honor, which has a large collection of ancient manuscripts and a beautiful library. The Shrine of Khoja Abdullah Ansari is a place of pilgrimage for those who seek the wisdom and teachings of the Sufi mystic. Pilgrims come from near and far to pay homage to the saint and also pray for blessings at the shrine. The Shrine is a popular tourist destination and an iconic symbol of the Afghan heritage. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Afghanistan.


The Shrine of Khoja Abdullah Ansari, also known as the domed shrine or Ansari Dome, is an important historical and religious structure in the city of Herat, Afghanistan. It is dedicated to Khoja Abdullah Ansari, a revered 11th-century Sufi mystic and poet who lived in the region. Ansari is regarded as an important figure in the Sufi tradition, as well as a poet and author of classic works of spiritual literature. The shrine was originally constructed around 1078 CE by the Turkish Ruler of Khorasan, Saraban bin Said. It served as both a mosque and a tomb for the burial of Ansari and other spiritual leaders. In the following centuries, the structure became a popular pilgrimage site for Sufis and other devotees of Ansari's teachings, and underwent several renovations and expansions. The shrine is considered a part of Afghanistan's great cultural heritage and was used as a spiritual center by Ansari's followers until it was destroyed in the War of 1834-1842. The exterior of the shrine retains its original design, while the interior chambers and tombs were destroyed. In the early 2000s, the shrine was restored to its original magnificence with a new roof, walls, and interior chambers. The tombs of Khoja Abdullah Ansari and other Sufi leaders have been excavated and restored to their original condition. The shrine is now a major tourist destination in Herat, and is visited by devotees of Ansari's teachings from around the world. Visit one of the famous monuments of Afghanistan with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Shrine of Khoja Abdullah Ansari is an important pilgrimage site and Sufi shrine in Herat, Afghanistan. 2. The shrine is built over the remains of Sufi saint, Khoja Abdullah Ansari, who lived in the 11th century. 3. It is believed that Ansari wrote the famous book, 'Tazkirat al-Awliya' which consists of over 500 biographies of famous Sufi mystics. 4. The shrine is a popular pilgrimage site and is visited by thousands of pilgrims each year. 5. Apart from being a popular pilgrimage site, the shrine is also known for its beautiful turquoise tiled dome which was restored by UNESCO in 1996. 6. The shrine is also home to a number of important Islamic manuscripts and books, some of which are hand-written by Ansari himself. 7. The shrine is a protected heritage site, listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO since 2017. One of the historical monuments of Afghanistan, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Afghanistan most popular tourist destination with us. Shrine of Khoja Abdullah Ansari, Herat In Afghanistan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Afghanistan main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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