Char Ahi Qazi Shrine, Balkh In Afghanistan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Char Ahi Qazi Shrine, located in the heart of Balkh city, is a pilgrimage site for Shia Muslims who come to honor the memory of prominent religious scholar and mystic, Qazi Qayyoom al-Kazmi. The building has an inscription that dates it back to 1173 Hijri and translates to “This house was built by Ali-Zulfaqar, the son of Qazi Qayyoom al-Kazmi, on behalf of his pious mother.” Char Ahi Qazi Shrine annually hosts a celebration in the month of Shaban, often involving traditional dance performances and offering of food to the city’s poor. The shrine is also a cultural center and a place of learning, offering lectures in Islamic jurisprudence, literature and history. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Afghanistan
Prominent Features:

The Char Ahi Qazi Shrine is an important religious and historical site located in the ancient city of Balkh in Afghanistan. The shrine is believed to be the burial place of the great Islamic scholar Muḥammad al-Bāqir al-Qazī (also known as Aḥī Qazī), a renowned Islamic philosopher from the 7th century AD. The shrine occupies a high point in the Balkh cityscape, and is one of the more prominent features of the town. It shows evidence of a mixture of Persian and Islamic architecture, with a façade decorated with intricate stucco and wooden carvings. The shrine is particularly noted for its vaulted entrance arches and dome, as well as its marble floor, which is said to be the oldest in Balkh. The shrine is a popular destination for pilgrims and visitors alike, and is especially revered by Shia Muslims, as Aḥī Qazī is considered a significant figure in Shia beliefs. Pilgrims come to the shrine to pay their respects and offer prayers at the mausoleum. The site is also of great historical importance, as it helps to preserve the city's rich cultural heritage. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Afghanistan.


Char Ahi Qazi, also known as Char Taqi, is an ancient shrine located in the city of Balkh in northern Afghanistan. It is believed to be the grave of a Sufi saint from the 8th century, who was the spiritual advisor of the court of the renowned ruler of Balkh, Bayazid Bustam. The shrine is thought to be originally built in the 11th century, and underwent several changes and renovations over its long history. It was destroyed by the Mongols in 1221 but was quickly restored. It was damaged again in 1221, this time by invading Uzbeks, but again was quickly restored and survived until the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979. The shrine and its surrounding complex remained intact until the Taliban era (1996-2001), during which it was severely damaged and looted. After the fall of the Taliban, it was partially restored with help from the Italian Co-Operation in Afghanistan and is now home to an Islamic museum. Visitors can see artifacts from the 8th to the 20th centuries, including rare manuscripts, inscriptions, coins, and ancient stone sculptures, as well as more modern displays of traditional Afghan culture such as carpets and clothing. Although located in Balkh province, Char Ahi Qazi is a major attraction for tourists visiting the greater region of northern Afghanistan. Visit one of the famous monuments of Afghanistan with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. Char Ahi Qazi Shrine is a historic shrine dedicated to the Islamic Saint Char Ahi Qazi who travelled the area to teach the people of Balkh the teachings of Islam. 2. The shrine is one of the only surviving monuments from the prophet Muhammad's era in the region and is the oldest Mosque in the city of Balkh. 3. The shrine was originally built by the Seljuk Turks in 1290 and renovated in the 15th century when it was destroyed by the Mongol invasions. 4. The shrine contains a historic mihrab (niche) and minbar (pulpit) where the Prophet Muhammad allegedly once delivered a sermon. 5. The site also houses relics from the era of Amir Sheikh Bahaudin Naqshbandi, the founder of the Naqshbandi Sufi order. 6. Char Ahi Qazi Shrine is a major pilgrimage site for followers of the Naqshbandi Sufi order and thousands of people come annually to pay respects to the Saint and visit the Mosque. 7. In 2016, the shrine was added to UNESCO's list of World Heritage sites. One of the historical monuments of Afghanistan, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Afghanistan most popular tourist destination with us. Char Ahi Qazi Shrine, Balkh In Afghanistan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Afghanistan main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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