What is the etiquette for bowing in Japan?

Post ByAdequate Travel

Japan is known for having a complex culture and along with that comes complicated etiquette. Bowing is a fundamental part of Japanese culture, if you ever find yourself visiting Japan it is good to know the etiquette of bowing. In this blog we will be discussing the etiquette and meanings behind various bows in the Japanese culture.

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In Japan, bowing is a sign of respect and is an integral part of Japanese etiquette. Bowing is done from a standing position with the back straight, arms at the sides, and hands held together in front, usually just below the waist. The depth of the bow, as well as the duration, depends on the formality of the situation and the relative social status of the two parties. Generally, the deeper and longer the bow, the more respect or homage is being conveyed.

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