Mekane Selassie Church, Tigray: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Mekane Selassie Church, Tigray, is known as one of the most mysterious and strange churches in Ethiopia. Long ago, villagers would tell horror stories of the dark secrets that lurked within this church. Nowadays, it's said to be a paranormal hot spot and has become a tourist attraction due to its history, dark secrets, and hauntings. Let's take a deeper dive into the history, horror stories, and paranormal activities of Mekane Selassie Church, Tigray.

Horror Story of Mekane Selassie Church, Tigray
It was a starless night, and the once bustling streets of Mekane Selassie Church, in Tigray, were now eerily quiet. The only sound to be heard was the creaking of the weathered wooden doors of the church as they opened and closed by some unseen force.
Inside, the pews were empty, though every so often a gust of frigid air would swirl around the chapel, causing the surrounding candles to flicker as if blown by an unseen spirit. Even more disturbing, there were patches of reddish-brown stains on the ground near the altar, though no one knew what they could mean.
Late into the night, a few locals gathered outside the church in an attempt to banish this eerie presence. Inside, however, the heathen still lingered, tormenting any unfortunate soul who dared to enter this unholy edifice. Legends said that if you stayed long enough, you could hear the phantom laughter of the damned, and other noises that seemed to come from the deep, dark bowels of Hell.
Mekane Selassie Church was now known as the cursed place in Tigray, and many said that any who enter it will never return.It is one of the most haunted places in ethiopia
History & Information of Mekane Selassie Church, Tigray
, Ethiopia
Mekane Selassie (Amharic: መካኔ ሥላሴ; meaning House of the Trinity) is a church in the city of Mek'ele, in Tigray region in northern Ethiopia. It was built by Emperor Yohannes III in 1884 during the reign of Emperor Menelik II. It is located on a hill overlooking the Geba River.
Built with the help of Italian architects, Mekane Selassie is known as the most beautiful building in northern Ethiopia and is characterized by a unique style of architecture, using ancient Ethiopian elements and blending them with modern European influences. It has a large dome, two bell towers, and an archway.
The Church's central dome is decorated with paintings of the prophets and apostles, while the four arches in front of the altar depict scenes from the Old and New Testaments. The church also contains the tombs of Mekanise Selassie's first bishop, Abune Markos, and the first priest of the church, Abune Yemrehamuel.
The church is the main seat of the local Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church Archdiocese, and it is also historically and culturally significant to the people of Tigray. In 2004, the African Union declared the church a historical and cultural site of Ethiopia, offering special protection and preservation for the past 120 years.If you want to visit one of the most haunted places in the world, you must visit it here
Paranomial Activity of Mekane Selassie Church, Tigray
The Mekane Selassie Church in Tigray is an immensely active church that engages in numerous activities both within the church and in the local community. The church has taken a leadership role in providing charitable support, educational opportunities, and spiritual guidance to Tigrayans. The parishioners are deeply involved in supporting efforts to improve the quality of life of their fellow neighbors.
The church holds regular bible study classes for all ages throughout the week and hosts various church services, special events, and retreats. There is a weekly Friday meal sponsored by the church for families and individuals in need, and hygienic care packages are distributed to those in need of assistance.
The church also organizes a number of food aid initiatives to help local citizens, including distributing food staples in remote areas once a week and monthly food distributions for those displaced by conflict in West Tigray. The church also provides educational, vocational and spiritual mentoring opportunities to its members, as well as serving as an outreach hub for delivering humanitarian aid to local households.
The Mekane Selassie Church is actively involved in assisting in the healing and recovery process in Tigray. The church not only provides financial support directly to victims of conflict, but they also organize classes on conflict resolution, trauma therapy, and self-care for those affected by the crisis. Special attention is given to women and children, as well as those displaced due to the conflict.
The church is also working to empower local households to become more self-reliant through agroforestry and natural gardening. The church has established several demonstration sites in areas plagued by droughts and severe land degradation and regularly organizes a series of workshops for members and non-members alike to teach them sustainable agricultural practices.
The Mekane Selassie Church of Tigray is deeply committed to building a secure and prosperous future for Tigrayans. Through its many charitable and educational activities, the church is working to bring renewed hope and resilience to those most affected by the conflict.There are many mysterious places in the world, but this place stands out as one of the best mysterious places
Experience of people & Reviews of Mekane Selassie Church, Tigray
Mekane Selassie Church in Tigray is a popular church for both locals and visitors alike. It is known for its beautiful and intricate scenery, its welcoming staff, and its rich history and significance. People generally have very positive experiences when visiting Mekane Selassie Church.
Most visitors come away with a positive experience after visiting this church, praising the vintage architecture, along with the serenity emanating from within its walls. Even those who come with their own preconceived ideas about churches in the region had their expectations exceeded after visiting Mekane Selassie Church.
Others note the hospitality of the staff, who are quick to greet visitors and make them feel welcome. They also note the sheer beauty of the scenery, with its ancient cobbled and granite-lined walls.
Overall, most people who visit Mekane Selassie Church in Tigray have positive experiences. They comment on the warm atmosphere, the welcoming staff, and the intimate feeling of the surroundings. They also praise the beauty of the scenery and the intricate details and history of the building. All in all, a trip to Mekane Selassie Church is sure to be a rewarding experience for all.If you are looking for haunted places near me, then this blog is for you
FAQ'S of Mekane Selassie Church, Tigray
, Ethiopia
Q: Where is Mekane Selassie Church located?
A: Mekane Selassie Church is located in a small village in the Tigray region of Ethiopia.
Q: When was it founded?
A: Mekane Selassie Church was founded in the Early 18th century by saint Abba Samuel, an Ethiopian monk.
Q: How big is the church?
A: Mekane Selassie Church is rather large, spanning an area of 8,000 square meters.
Q: What activities take place at the church?
A: Mekane Selassie Church is primarily used for prayer and worship, however it is sometimes used for conferences and other religious and social gatherings.
Q: Does the church have a museum?
A: Yes, the church has its own museum which showcases a variety of religious artifacts and relics from its history.This place has been abundant for the past many years and thus tops the list of the best horror places in the world

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