Cheri Monastery: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Are you enthralled by a spine-chilling horror story, or energized by secrets of the past? Regardless of which of these excites you, the story of the Cheri Monastery is set to blow you away! This centuries-old monastery has captivated people for decades with its history of paranormal activities, secret stories, and horror tales. Read on to unearth what lies beneath this haunted site.

Horror Story of Cheri Monastery
Cheri Monastery was a place of secrets and shadows; a forgotten place of history locked behind big iron doors. If one braved the daunting entrance alone, they would feel like they had stepped straight into a horror story.
The stone walls of Cheri Monastery did not seem warm and inviting; they were cold and hostile. The entire place seemed to be filled with a sense of foreboding, and the silence was only broken by the occasional sound of a distant bell ringing. Even though people had been known to visit the place to pray for their loved ones and for blessings, there were no signs of life inside.
However, some people had heard rumors throughout the years that something strange was happening inside those walls. Tales of a strange figure that stalked the corridors of the monastery at night had spread around the local area. People would whisper of a figure wearing ancient robes and a hood, coming in and out of the monastery without making a single sound.
One night, two brave and curious young boys dared each other to sneak into the monastery and take a look around. After what seemed like an eternity, they made their way to the entrance where they saw a tall figure standing in the shadows. The boys froze in fear as they watched as this figure slowly made its way towards them. With trembling hands, they lit some candles which revealed the face of the figure before them. It was the face of a monk, his eyes burning with a menacing anger. Suddenly, the monk grabbed one of the boys and yelled at the other to run and warn the town folk of the evil that was stirring in the walls of Cheri Monastery.
The tales of the evil lurking at Cheri Monastery spread far and wide, causing many to be afraid of venturing near the place. Those brave enough to enter were rarely seen again, and it remains a place of mystery and horror to this day.It is one of the most haunted places in bhutan
History & Information of Cheri Monastery
Cheri Monastery is one of the most important monasteries in Bhutan. It is located in Thimphu, the capital of Bhutan, on a hilltop near the banks of the Wang Chhu river. As a royal palace, Cheri was the residence of successive kings of Bhutan and still serves as the spiritual retreat of the head of Bhutan’s government, the Prime Minister.
The monastery was established in 1620 by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal, who unified Bhutan. It houses many important texts and sculptures and also serves as a school for Buddhist monks to study and practice their faith. The main temple of the monastery is the Drukpa Choekhorling, which is built in the style of 17th century Bhutan.
The monastery retains its strong cultural and spiritual heritage throughout the country while also being an important tourist attraction. It is a popular destination for both Buddhist pilgrims and visitors who are keen to experience the unique Bhutanese culture. A two-day festival, Cheri Drubchen, is held at the monastery every year in October and is attended by thousands of pilgrims from across Bhutan. It is a festive affair with colourful masks, music, dances and other folk performances.
The monastery also serves as a museum and houses many valuable artefacts and books. There is a Buddhist library and a prayer hall where devotees can pray and receive blessings from the resident lama.If you want to visit one of the most haunted places in the world, you must visit it here
Paranomial Activity of Cheri Monastery
The Cheri Monastery in Bhutan was founded in the 17th century by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal, the founder of Bhutan. Its main activity involves the practice of Vajrayana Buddhism, with a focus on the Nyingma lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. The monastery is known for its annual parinirvana ceremony, wherein pilgrims gather to commemorate the death of Lord Buddha. The monastery also serves as a center for Tibetan studies and is home to several Buddhist monastic colleges. Additionally, the monastery offers various retreats, teachings, and cultural events that are open to the public. Monks and nuns conduct ceremonies and teachings of Buddhist principles and practices, such as the transmission of ngondro, the Guru Yoga of Padmasambhava, Chöd, and meditation pith instructions. Several other activities take place at the monastery, such as the conservation of cultural heritage and religious art, as well as task-sharing, engagement, and collaboration with the local population to foster sustainability and development.There are many mysterious places in the world, but this place stands out as one of the best mysterious places
Experience of people & Reviews of Cheri Monastery
People that have visited Cheri Monastery are amazed by its beauty, serenity, and spiritual ambience. People particularly appreciate the complicated and meaningful Buddhist art adorning the monastery’s walls and interior and are in awe of the historical importance of the building. The experienced monks, in-depth explanation of Buddhism provided during guided tours, and cleansing rituals performed here are especially noteworthy. People find the monastery’s environment to be particularly conducive to self-reflection and inner peace. Many also visit the nearby restaurants, nearby forest trails, and other local attractions. In general, people who have visited Cheri Monastery have highly praised the experience, calling it a beautiful monument to Bhutan’s unique cultural heritage and an ideal spot for spiritual seclusion.If you are looking for haunted places near me, then this blog is for you
FAQ'S of Cheri Monastery
Q: What is the Cheri Monastery?
A: The Cheri Monastery is the sacred home of the Drukpa Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, located high in the Himalayan Mountains on a small hilltop near the town of Pokhara, Nepal. Since its founding in 1620 by the great yogi and saint, Ngawang Loday, it has served as an important center of learning, meditation, and spiritual practice.
Q: Who are the Drukpa Lineage?
A: The Drukpa Lineage is an important tradition of Tibetan Buddhism that began in the 11th century and is still thriving today. It is known for its emphasis on Mahamudra and teachings on shamatha (calm abiding) and vipassana (insight meditation). The spiritual head of the Drukpa Lineage is the Gyalwang Drukpa.
Q: What activities can I participate in at the Cheri Monastery?
A: The monastery offers a variety of activities and retreats for visitors - from meditation courses to lectures and discourses by resident lamas and spiritual teachers. Visitors are welcome to observe daily life at the monastery and partake in its sacred rituals. Additionally, there is a library and tea house on the premises.
Q: Is there accommodation available at the Cheri Monastery?
A: Yes, the monastery has basic accommodation with simple bedrooms and shared dormitories. There are also simple meals provided for visitors each day. There is no admission fee for visitors or monks.This place has been abundant for the past many years and thus tops the list of the best horror places in the world

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