Berry Pomeroy Castle, Devon: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

For centuries, Berry Pomeroy Castle has been an intriguing source of mystery and intrigue. Rumored to be haunted, this spooky Devon stronghold has long been a focus of hauntings, paranormal activity and dark history. Join us as we explore the tales of horror that surround Berry Pomeroy Castle and its storied past.

Horror Story of Berry Pomeroy Castle, Devon
The haunting of Berry Pomeroy Castle is amongst the most notorious in Britain. For centuries, visitors to the castle claim to have seen a woman in white known as the 'Blue Lady', who is thought to represent Margaret Pomeroy, a young woman who was imprisoned in the dungeons by her own jealous sister, Eleanor.
Witnesses claim to have seen her wandering the corridors of the castle, her face illuminated by an unholy blue light. Some visitors also hear the sound of Margaret’s cries echoing through the hallways and walls as if her torment still exists centuries later.
The story of the ‘Blue Lady’ of Berry Pomeroy is said to have started after Margaret’s sister Eleanor, who was married to the castle’s owner, Sir Edward, had become insanely jealous of her sister’s enchanting beauty. In her jealous rage, she imprisoned Margaret in the castle dungeons where her screams and cries were heard around the castle for years.
As time passed, Eleanor’s evil deeds eventually caught up with her and Sir Edward found out her sister’s whereabouts. In an act of mercy, Sir Edward allowed Margaret a proper funeral at the castle graveyard, while her captor Eleanor was banished forever.
Since then, visitors to the castle claim to have seen the ‘Blue Lady’, whose spirit is said to still haunt the castle and the surrounding grounds. Some visitors even claim to have seen Margaret in the bailey of the castle, while still others believe that her spirit is eternally searching for the warmth of her family and her freedom from medieval prison.It is one of the most haunted places in uk
History & Information of Berry Pomeroy Castle, Devon
Berry Pomeroy Castle is a castle located three miles south of Totnes, Devon, England. It was built in the late 15th century by Sir Edward Pomeroy and has been a popular tourist attraction since the 19th century. The castle is notable for its impressive gatehouse, the masonry remains of its great hall and its haunting Elizabethan gardens.
The castle lies within the grounds of the Pomeroy estate, which is owned by the Duke of Somerset. The castle's history dates back to the Norman conquest of England in 1066, when it was part of the lands given to William de Vallibus by William the Conqueror. The Lords of Pomeroy were given the Norman barony of Berry Pomeroy in 1155. The castle was then built by Sir Edward Pomeroy, who inherited the estate in 1496.
The castle is now owned by English Heritage, with the surrounding grounds leased to a private family. The castle remains an important part of the local history and is an important tourist attraction in the area. As with many historical sites, Berry Pomeroy Castle has its fair share of myths and legends, including a legendary 'White Lady' who is said to haunt the castle halls.If you want to visit one of the most haunted places in the world, you must visit it here
Paranomial Activity of Berry Pomeroy Castle, Devon
Berry Pomeroy Castle, located near the town of Totnes in Devon, England, is said to be one of the most paranormally active castles in the world. The castle's history dates back to the 12th century and has been the site of many reports of paranormal activity over the years. Visitors have reported seeing shadowy figures, hearing strange noises, and experiencing sudden temperature drops in certain areas. Some have even reported feeling a chill down their spin when passing certain parts of the castle. There have also been accounts of ghostly apparitions of children and women appearing and disappearing.
The cause of these paranormal activities have been attributed to the famous tragedy that took place in the castle in the 15th century. The then owner, Sir Richard Pomeroy, stabbed his wife and children to death in the castle. Legends also tell of a secret chamber within the castle's walls, said to be cursed after Sir Pomeroy was imprisoned alive in it. It is believed that the spirits of the slain family still remain in the castle, perhaps seeking revenge for their deaths.
Today, the castle is a popular tourist destination, attracting thousands of visitors each year. While the paranormal activity at the castle has been well-documented, many modern visitors report feeling a chill or seeing strange lights or figures while exploring the ruins. Those brave enough to explore the castle can take part in paranomal tours or hire a professional ghost hunter to search for paranormal activity in the castle. So if you're feeling brave and adventurous, why not take a visit to Berry Pomeroy Castle and discover for yourself the mystery and intrigue that lies within its historic walls.There are many mysterious places in the world, but this place stands out as one of the best mysterious places
Experience of people & Reviews of Berry Pomeroy Castle, Devon
Berry Pomeroy Castle is a ruined 15th-century fortified castle situated near the village of Berry Pomeroy, Devon, England. The castle has been praised for its historical importance and its beautiful setting on a wooded hillside, making it a popular destination for visitors to the area.
People have often commented on the marvellous atmosphere of the castle and its setting, describing it as "an enchanting place", "so peaceful" and "breath-takingly beautiful". Many visitors have also commented on the impressive ruins, noting the bafflingly intricate architecture and admiring the stunning views over the surrounding countryside. People have also loved exploring the haunted castle, with some even claiming to have heard strange noises while walking around.
Overall, most visitors to Berry Pomeroy Castle have highly rated their experience, noting its interesting history, beautiful setting, and tantalising air of mystery.If you are looking for haunted places near me, then this blog is for you
FAQ'S of Berry Pomeroy Castle, Devon
Q: Where is Berry Pomeroy Castle located?
A: Berry Pomeroy Castle is located in the heart of the South Devon countryside, roughly four miles east of Totnes.
Q: When was Berry Pomeroy Castle built?
A: Berry Pomeroy Castle was first built in the late 11th century, although much of the existing ruins date from the 15th and 16th centuries.
Q: What is the history behind the castle?
A: The earliest recorded owner of the castle was Richard de Pomeroy, a Norman nobleman who founded the castle upon land he had been gifted in the mid-11th century. The Pomeroy family held the castle for over 350 years before it passed to Edward Seymour, the 1st Duke of Somerset.
Q: Why is Berry Pomeroy Castle said to be haunted?
A: The castle is said to be haunted by two ghosts – that of Margaret Pomeroy, a woman who died of starvation, and that of a White Lady, seen walking in the castle grounds. It is also said to be home to secret tunnels, treasures, and a mysterious killer.This place has been abundant for the past many years and thus tops the list of the best horror places in the world

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