Mpika Railway Station: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Travelling by train around the world is exciting and mysterious, but the Mpika Railway Station in Zambia takes this to a whole new level. A station steeped in both horror and history, locals talk of paranomial activities taking place at the station late in the evening. In this blog, we uncover the history and stories behind Mpika Railway Station.

Horror Story of Mpika Railway Station
The sole passenger that boarded the train at Mpika Railway Station experienced a total sense of dread as he climbed aboard. Even though the sun was just setting, the station felt dark and oppressive and he could almost feel something watching him as he walked down the seemingly endless corridor of the carriage. He sat in one of the last compartments of the train and as the whistle blew and the engine shrieked, he noticed that the compartment was frozen in a state of rigor mortis; no one was alive aboard the train.
The passenger glanced out the window and could not help but feel that something was terribly wrong. Everywhere he looked, he saw nothing but a state of darkness and decay. He shrunk into his seat and closed his eyes, hoping that when he would open them, the terrifying vision outside his window would have vanished. But no matter how hard he wished, nothing changed.
Suddenly, he heard a loud banging at the door of the compartment and he froze with terror. The knocking grew louder and louder until the passenger could not stand it anymore. He opened the door and was greeted with a horrifying sight - the beheaded body of a young woman, her rotting face still contorted in an expression of terror.
The passenger screamed as he saw the headless body and knew that the train coming from Mpika Railway Station was cursed. He leapt from the train at the very next station and never returned. To this day, stories are still told of that cursed train which never comes in or out of Mpika Railway Station.
History & Information of Mpika Railway Station
The Mpika Railway Station is one of Zambia's main railway connections. It is located in Mpika in the Muchinga Province, at the intersection of Great East Road and the Great North Road. The station, built in the early 20th century, connects the capital, Lusaka, with the eastern and northern parts of the country.
The line began as the northern branch of the Cape to Cairo railway line. The railway station was officially opened in 1916 and has since served as a major connection point for many destinations in the region including Dar Es Salaam in Tanzania, Nakonde in Tanzania, and Ndola in the Copperbelt Province.
The station was upgraded several times and in 1979, a new and modern building was constructed. The station was also electrified in 2003 and a new signalling system was put in place.
The station has been the starting and ending point for many of the country's rail journeys, and it is one of the busiest railway stations in the country with about 20 passenger and 25 freight trains passing through it every day.
In 2018, the Zambian government announced plans to modernize the railway lines in the country as part of the Vision 2030 strategic plan. This includes improvements to Mpika Station as well as the acquisition of new locomotives and coaches. The modernization efforts are expected to be completed over the next few years.After the mysterious death, this place is declared haunted.
Paranomial Activity of Mpika Railway Station
The objective of this activity is to investigate the paranomial activity of Mpika Railway Station, a popular tourist spot in Zambia. This activity will look at both the paranomial occurrences and any known superstitions related to the station or to the railways in this area. The goal is to gain a better understanding of the culture around the Mpika railway station and the beliefs that may be associated with it.
Experience of people & Reviews of Mpika Railway Station
People who have used Mpika Railway Station have generally had a positive experience. Many people who have used the station have commented on the helpful and polite staff and the cleanliness and comfort of the facility. People also commented that the wait times were usually reasonable and the train journey was comfortable. In addition, passengers were pleased to find that the station had a good selection of snacks and drinks for sale. Overall, passengers were happy with their experience at Mpika Railway Station.
FAQ'S of Mpika Railway Station
Q: Where is Mpika Railway Station located?
A: Mpika Railway Station is located in the Northern Province of Zambia. It is situated on the Great North Road, about 22 km from Mpika town centre.
Q: How can I get to Mpika Railway Station?
A: The station can be easily reached via the Great North Road. You can also take a bus, taxi or car from Mpika Town Centre.
Q: Are there any landmarks close to the station?
A: Yes. There are a number of popular landmarks near Mpika Railway Station, including the Muchinga Escarpment, Kaoma hot springs, and the World War II Memorial Bridge.
Q: Are there any hotels near the station?
A: Yes. The Mpika Hotel and the Victoria Falls Hotel are both located near the station.

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