How can I order food in Swiss restaurants if I don't speak Swiss German?

Post ByAdequate Travel

If you're planning a trip to Switzerland but don't know how to order meals in restaurants if you can't speak Swiss German, don't worry! This blog will provide some great tips, such as utilizing technology and relying on friendly staff, to help you enjoy delicious Swiss cuisine.

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Ordering Food in Swiss Restaurants Without Speaking Swiss German

When visiting Swiss restaurants without knowing Swiss German, here are a few tips to help you effectively order your food:

1. Use English Menu or Ask for an English Menu

Many Swiss restaurants, especially in touristy areas, provide menus in English. Look for the English version and use it to select your dishes.

Example: "Excuse me, do you have an English menu?"

2. Learn Basic Phrases

Learning a few basic phrases in the local language can be useful when interacting with restaurant staff.

Example: "Entschuldigung, sprechen Sie Englisch?" (Excuse me, do you speak English?)

3. Use Pointing Gestures

If the menu is only available in Swiss German, rely on pointing gestures to indicate the dishes you want to order.

Example: Pointing at a specific item on the menu and saying "One, please."

4. Utilize Translation Apps or Phrasebooks

Make use of translation apps on your smartphone or carry a phrasebook with common food-related phrases. This can help you communicate your preferences or dietary restrictions to the staff.

Example: Showing the translation of "vegetarian" or "gluten-free" to the server.

5. Ask for Recommendations

If you're unsure about what to order or need assistance, don't hesitate to ask the staff for recommendations. They will likely be accommodating and provide suggestions in English.

Example: "What do you recommend as a local specialty?"

Remember, Swiss restaurant staff are usually accustomed to serving customers who don't speak Swiss German and will do their best to understand and assist you. Being polite and patient can go a long way in ensuring a pleasant dining experience.

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