Cordonata Capitolina In Italy: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


The Cordonata Capitolina is a monumental staircase located in front of the Capitoline Hill in Rome, Italy. The Cordonata is a work of art in its own right and is considered one of the most impressive examples of Baroque architecture in the city. It was commissioned by Pope Clement XI in 1717 and designed by Italian architect Alessandro Specchi. The staircase is about 50 meters long and has two flights of steps with majestic sculptures of gods, goddesses, ancient Roman heroes and Christian saints adorning the balustrade. The staircase is surrounded by tall walls and cypress trees. At the end of the staircase stands the bronze statue of Marcus Aurelius riding a horse, a symbol of Rome's perseverance through the centuries. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Italy
Prominent Features:

1. Four-Step Entryway: A grand four-step entryway leads up to the Capitoline Hill where the Cordonata Capitolina is situated. 2. Travertine Steps: The four steps are made of travertine, a type of Italian limestone that gives off a classic Roman grandeur. 3. Winged Victories: Winged Victories stand at the top of the staircase to symbolize the victories of Rome. 4. Doric Columns: There are four rows of Doric columns on each side of the staircase which frame the path. 5. Porticoes: The top sections of the porticoes are decorated with reliefs of images of battles, emblems, trophies, and figures. 6. Lions: At the very top of the staircase, where the entrance to the Capitoline Hill stands, is a pair of lions sculpted in bronze to guard the entrance. 7. Grandeur: The cordonata Capitolina is a direct reflection of the grandeur of the grandest city of its age - Rome. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Italy.


The Cordonata Capitolina was originally a part of the entrance way to the Roman Capitol in Rome from the 8th century until 1883, when it was ultimately demolished and replaced by the present day version. The Cordonata Capitolina is essentially a staircase with a double ramp in the middle flanked by balustrades, statues and furniture. Its construction was the first effort to restore the ancient structure by using modern materials. It was designed by the famous 18th century Italian architect, Alessandro Specchi. Specchi modeled the Cordonata Capitolina after the also famous Spanish Steps. After its demolition in 1883, it was reconstructed exactly according to original plans and today is an iconic landmark in Rome. The stairway was re-constructed in a style that harmonizes with the baroque architecture prevalent in Rome. Since its renovation, the Cordonata Capitolina has become a popular tourist destination in Rome, with visitors able to climb up the staircase to reach the Campidoglio and to enjoy the views of the surrounding city. Visit one of the famous monuments of Italy with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Cordonata Capitolina is a monumental stairway located in the courtyard of Rome’s Campidoglio, or Capitoline Hill. 2. It was designed by the renowned architect Giacomo della Porta in 1589 and is made up of two flights of stairs and a spiral ramp. 3. The stairway is decorated with iconic elephants, which hold the symbolic lion of Rome, and cascading water features designed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. 4. At the summit stands the replica of the statue of Marcus Aurelius, crafted by Carlo Speranza, a student of Bernini. 5. The Cordonata Capitolina serves as a centerpiece for the Piazza del Campidoglio, which was re-designed by Michelangelo in the 16th century. 6. The grand staircase was designed to allow extravagant processions to move up the stairs in honor of visiting nobility. 7. The staircase has also been used in many films to create a majestic setting, most notably Bernardo Bertolucci’s The Conformist. 8. A dark secret concerning the history of Cordonata Capitolina is believed to hidden beneath the stairs: at the time of its construction, the stairs were believed to have been built over a mass grave containing hundreds of dead gladiators and victims of plague. One of the historical monuments of Italy, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Italy most popular tourist destination with us. Cordonata Capitolina In Italy: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Italy main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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