Stone Causeway at Forof, Bokkos, Plateau State In Nigeria: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Stone Causeway at Forof, Bokkos is a historical monument situated in the Plateau State of Nigeria. It is believed to have been constructed by a pro-British missionary group, known as “the Baron of Forof” in the 19th Century. The causeway is made up of stones laid on a flat rock base, and is believed to have been used for carrying agricultural produce to ferry across the hillslope to the plain. It is an important local site for traditional histroy and a source of inspiration for the people of Bokkos. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Nigeria
Prominent Features:

The Stone Causeway at Forof, Bokkos, Plateau is a historical stone structure located in Bokkos LGA, Plateau State of Nigeria. It is said to have been built in the 16th century by an African king as a part of a traditional dance route for his people. The causeway has been called a historic natural product of human engineering. The Stone Causeway is made up of two rows of stones, which run for a length of hundreds of meters across the hills. It is believed that the causeway was used by this king's people to move with ease among the hills and rocky terrains as they performed their traditional dances. The causeway is located in a difficult terrain, and more than likely would have been impossible to make without the help of highly skilled engineers and labor. The Stone Causeway is an important archaeological site in the region, and some experts believe it is more than 500 years old. The causeway is one of the few surviving structures that can be seen in Plateau State today as a result of its historical significance. It is also an important symbol of the strength of African culture and engineering and contains many cultural memories. The causeway has recently been restored by the Nigerian federal government and is now a national monument. It is a popular tourist attraction in the region due to its cultural importance and its amazing engineering feats. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Nigeria.


The Stone Causeway at Forof in Bokkos, Plateau State, Nigeria was constructed about 500 years ago, and is believed to be one of the oldest surviving stone structures in the state. Built from large stones, the causeway is approximately 400 meters long and 2 meters wide. It links isolated Bokkos communities across the large Yilwat River and was essential for easy passage between the villages. The causeway was believed to have been built under the supervision of the local Chief, a Mallam called "Kafin Dati". The chief is also remembered for the creation of schools in the villages and the establishment of koranic teachings. The causeway also satiates religious and spiritual significance in the area. Some villagers today believe that it holds mystical powers. It was initially believed to curse those who crossed it without proper obeisance to local gods. It was also believed to cause rainfall whenever a cow was sacrificed close to it. The causeway is in a state of semi-ruin and sadly, its spiritual significance is slowly dissipating. The Nigerian government has made efforts to repair parts of the structure and to promote its historical and cultural heritage in the local community. Restoration efforts have allowed more visitors to experience the causeway and view its timeless beauty. With continued efforts, the causeway could be restored to its former glory. Visit one of the famous monuments of Nigeria with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Stone Causeway is one of the oldest bridges in Nigeria, believed to have been built by the Emperor Othman Dan Fodio, leader of the ancient Kingdom of Sambo in what is now Plateau State. 2. This bridge crosses the Forof River and is made of huge, rough-cut stone blocks held together with thick mud mortar. 3. The bridge is still in use—crossing the River to connect people and farms on two different sides. 4. The causeway has been said to be at least 300 years old, making it one of the oldest monuments in Nigeria. 5. The causeway is a popular touristic destination in Plateau State. Visitors from all over the world come here to admire the workmanship used to craft the bridge. 6. Efforts are being done to try and preserve the bridge for decades to come, however, many worry that seasonal flooding from the River has damaged the causeway’s stones and mortar over the years. One of the historical monuments of Nigeria, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Nigeria most popular tourist destination with us. Stone Causeway at Forof, Bokkos, Plateau State In Nigeria: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Nigeria main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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