Parthenon In Greece: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


The Parthenon is an ancient temple located on the Acropolis in Athens, Greece. It was dedicated to the goddess Athena, who was believed to be the patron of the city. The temple was built in the 5th century BC and is still considered one of the most important examples of ancient Greek architecture. The Parthenon’s exterior is decorated with sculptures and reliefs depicting scenes from ancient Greek mythology. In addition, the interior of the temple houses friezes and various other artworks depicting scenes related to the gods. The Parthenon is currently under the management of the Acropolis Museum and is a popular tourist attraction in the city. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Greece
Prominent Features:

1. Iconic columned portico: The portico of the Parthenon is perhaps its most iconic feature. It is composed of eight tall columns, aligned along the facade and connected via entablatures. 2. Doric-style architecture: The architecture of the Parthenon is what makes it so special. It is designed in the Doric style, meaning that the columns are made of limestone and the rest of the structure is made of marble. 3. Marble reliefs: The Parthenon is adorned with sculpted marble reliefs. These reliefs depict scenes of the Greek gods and goddesses, and they also tell stories from Greek mythology. 4. Colonnade of Ionic columns: The internal colonnade of the Parthenon is made up of Ionic columns. These columns are important structural components of the building and also act as support for the ceiling. 5. Monumental statue of Athena: Located at the center of the Parthenon is the statue of the Greek goddess Athena. This statue, which is made of ivory and chryselephantine, dominates the interior of the building. 6. Large inner chamber: The inner chamber of the Parthenon is huge and contains several important sculptures and paintings. It is believed that the chamber was meant to store religious artifacts. 7. Decorative friezes: The decorative friezes found on the Parthenon are among its most renowned features. They depict scenes from the Trojan War as well as other aspects of daily life in ancient Greece. 8. Eastern pediment: The Parthenon's eastern pediment is home to a sculpted relief that depicts the birth of Athena, which is said to be a representation of the goddess's power and strength. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Greece.


The Parthenon is an ancient Greek temple located atop the Acropolis hill in Athens, Greece. It is dedicated to the goddess Athena, the patron of the city. The building's construction began in 447 BC, two years after the peace treaty between Athens and Sparta, also known as the Peloponnesian War, had been signed. It was intended to be a symbol of the city's newfound power and importance as an emerging Greek state, and it would become the most famous of all ancient Greek temples. The structure of the Parthenon is unique for its time. It is a large, rectangular building, with a rectangular porch and a triangular roof. The columns stand in a line and rise from a platform to a height of almost 18 meters. The columns are made of Pentelic marble, which came from Mount Pentelikon near Athens, and are carved into intricate floral and geometrical designs. The exterior of the temple is covered in brightly-colored paintings and sculptures. The statue of Athena in the center of the temple is made of gold and ivory and is 12 meters high. The interior of the Parthenon was divided into three sections: the cella (inner chamber); the opisthodomos (treasury); and the surrounding colonnade. Within the cella, there were several small rooms, and a larger altar room. The temple held a significant collection of religious artefacts, including an ivory statue of Athena known as the “Athena Parthenos”. For centuries the Parthenon served as a temple and a place of worship. It was also a center of political meetings and debates, and was even used as a munitions store during the Greco-Persian War.In the early 1800s, it underwent major restorations to repair the damage inflicted by its time as a munitions store. In the late 1800s, it became an archaeological site, and has since been studied extensively, remembered as a symbol of cultural accomplishment and a tribute to the golden age of Ancient Greece. Visit one of the famous monuments of Greece with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The grand temple of Parthenon was built in 447 BCE and is the most iconic symbol of Greece and of the power of the ancient Athenians. 2. The Parthenon has stood for over 2,500 years, surviving wars and invasions. 3. It is constructed in a dynamic mixture of three styles of architecture: Doric, Ionic and Corinthian. 4. The Parthenon was originally built for the goddess Athena, and the remains of a huge statue of the goddess are still visible inside. 5. During the Ottoman Empire occupation of Greece, the Parthenon was turned into a mosque and an ammunition store. 6. In 1981, the Temple of Athena Parthenos at the Parthenon was recreated with the original sculptures that stood on it. 7. There were originally 157 sculptured panels which featured illustrations of the gods and goddesses of Olympian mythology as well as gods, demigods, and other mythical creatures. 8. There are 42 marble columns surrounding the temple which are each between 13 and 17 metres tall. 9. The entire structure is elaborate and full of meticulously detailed designs. 10. The Parthenon is one of the most visited ruins in the world and has been photographed and documented more than any other structure in Greece. One of the historical monuments of Greece, it tells the story of a bygone era

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