Monument to the Unknown Soldier In Greece: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


The Monument to the Unknown Soldier in Greece is located in Athens, near Syntagma Square. It was erected in 1981, in memory of the Unknown Soldier who died in the Greco-Turkish War of 1919-1922, as well as all Greeks who have died in wars throughout the country’s history. It consists of a central hall containing a sarcophagus with the inscription "For the Unknown Soldier Dead for Greece", a bronze flagpole with Greek flags, and a ramp around it for visitors. The monument is guarded by a military honor guard provided by the Evzones, which is changed every few hours. Every year, on March 25th, National Day in Greece, the President of the Republic lays a wreath at the Monument in memory of all wartime dead. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Greece
Prominent Features:

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is a war memorial monument located in Syntagma Square in Athens, Greece. The Tomb was built to honour the thousands of unknown soldiers who died during the Greek War of Independence (1821–1830). The monument is made of grey marble, and was unveiled on March 25, 1932, a national holiday in Greece. The flame of the Tomb is rekindled every day a ceremony at 6 pm by two members of the Presidential Guard in full ceremonial dress. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Greece.


The Monument to the Unknown Soldier in Greece was originally constructed in 1929, following the Greco-Turkish War of 1919–1922. After the victory by the Greek forces, a decision was taken by the Greek government to build a large monument in the centre of the capital, Athens. Initially, the monument was designed to commemorate all those who had fought and died in the war. The Monument to the Unknown Soldier was erected in Syntagma Square on October 25th 1929; the day Greece won the American-sponsored Great Idea campaign. Since then, the remembrance of the Unknown Soldier has become an integral part of Greek society, and the monument is a key site for national commemorations. Today, the Monument to the Unknown Soldier is a symbol of the struggle for independence and sovereignty that culminated in the First World War and at the dawn of the 1920s. It is also seen as a symbol of national unity and is an important site for official events and occasions (such as the annual Flag Day celebration). Furthermore, the memorial is often visited by Greek citizens and tourists alike, providing an opportunity to commemorate the fallen in a solemn setting. Visit one of the famous monuments of Greece with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Unknown Soldier Monument in Greece was built in 1932 to honor the 300,000 unknown Greek soldiers who died during the Balkan Wars from 1912-1913. 2. It is located in Syntagma Square in the center of Athens and is an exact replica of the original monument at the battlefield in Macedonia. 3. During the annual parade that marks the country’s Independence Day on March 25th, an unknown soldier from the war is honored with a 21 gun salute at the monument. 4. The monument is home to the Evzones, a ceremonial guard division, who guard the monument 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 5. There is a small shrine located inside the monument honoring all Greek soldiers who gave their lives in warfare, and is visited regularly to commemorate the fallen. One of the historical monuments of Greece, it tells the story of a bygone era

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