Huaca del Dragón in Lima In Peru: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Huaca del Dragón is an archaeological site located in the Magdalena del Mar district of Lima, Peru. The site dates to the Late Intermediate Period (1000–1450 AD) and it is believed to have been the center of an important ceremonial and administrative center of the Huari and Chimú cultures. The main structure, a pyramid built in adobes and stones, measures 19 meters high and is thought to have been built over 1000 years ago. The site includes small plazas, platforms, and other associated structures. Huaca del Dragón is accessible through guided tours. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Peru
Prominent Features:

The Huaca del Dragon is a pre-Columbian temple located in Lima, Peru. One of the most iconic features of the temple is its pyramidal shape. It is one of the largest temples in Peru, standing 18 meters high and covering an area of 400 square meters. The Huaca del Dragon site is surrounded by walls, and there are various musuems and stalls nearby. Inside the temple are various carvings and petroglyphs that date back to 2000BC, making it one of the most important archaeological sites in the country. The temple is dedicated to the worship of the dragon, and was a ceremonial site of the Moche civilization. The pyramid is considered a sacred site, and has been visited by millions of tourists over the years. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Peru.


The Huaca del Dragón (Temple of the Dragon) is an archaeological site in the district of Los Olivos, Lima, Peru. It is believed to have been an important site during the later phases of the Early Horizon period (c. 900-200 BC) and during the Middle Formative period (c. 500-200 BC). The Huaca del Dragón site was discovered in 1997 when construction started on a nearby building. In the process, several artifacts and ancient structures were uncovered. It was then that the site was identified as the Huaca del Dragón. Since its discovery, excavation and research has been conducted at the site by a team of researchers in order to learn more about its inhabitants in the past. Artifacts and structures uncovered at the site suggest that the Huaca del Dragón was a ceremonial site. Numerous large masonry structures have been found at the site, most of them rectangular and terraced. These structures are filled with artifacts such as pottery, ceramics, and jewelry, which were gifts given to the gods. Also among the artifacts found are a number of figurines, including some that represent dragons. The most impressive example is a large terracotta sculpture of a dragon which is now displayed at the Larco Museum in Lima. Recent research into the Huaca del Dragón suggests that it was an important ceremonial center in ancient Peru, and that its inhabitants may have venerated or worshipped dragons as part of their religious beliefs. Although much more research needs to be done in order to learn more about the Huaca del Dragón, it is certainly an important archaeological site in Peru and one that has the potential to uncover much more information about Peru’s ancient past. Visit one of the famous monuments of Peru with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. Huaca del Dragón was the second pyramid to be built in Lima, Peru and is one of the oldest structures in the city. 2. Huaca del Dragón is located in the Pachacamac district, which contains many ancient pre-Incan burial sites. 3. The pyramid was built by the Puna culture, which inhabited the area prior to the emergence of the Inca Empire. 4. Huaca del Dragón has two major sections, including a stepped pyramid at the base and a series of terraces and temples on the upper section. 5. It is believed that the pyramid was used for religious rituals and sacrifices, as evidenced by the large quantities of pottery, jewelry and human remains found at the site. 6. The walls of the terraces are decorated with motifs such as caymans, lizards and snakes. 7. Huaca del Dragón was partially destroyed by the Spanish in the 16th century and was in ruins until recent restoration efforts. One of the historical monuments of Peru, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Peru most popular tourist destination with us. Huaca del Dragón in Lima In Peru: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Peru main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Huaca El Dragón, Lima Peru

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