UCCZ Highfield - United Church of Christ In Zimbabwe: History,Facts, & Services


is the official church body of the United Church of Christ In Zimbabwe. It is the largest and oldest Protestant denomination in the country, tracing its roots back to the late 19th century when Christian missionary work began there. UCCZ is the only Zimbabwean church body that maintains an official presence both in Zimbabwe and in the Disciples of Christ fellowship in the United States and Canada. UCCZ Highfield members belong to one of eight ecclesiastical areas. There are two overlapping levels of governance and structure: a National Board and an area or annual Conference level of regional representation. Each of the eight areas is coordinated by a President who, together with the delegates from the area churches, composes the National Board, to which all national and global issues must be taken. In addition to the eight-area organizational structure, UCCZ Highfield bodies also coordinate with regional and international organizations such as the Africa Mercy Corps, World Council of Churches, and United Nations Association. It is one of the best churches in Zimbabwe which you must visit.


- The United Church of Christ in Zimbabwe (UCCZ) is an evangelical church located in the city of Highfield, Zimbabwe. - Founded in 1963, UCCZ is affiliated with the Worldwide United Church of Christ, which is based in the United States. - The church is led by the Rev. Dr. Amos Phiri, who heads up a team of pastors, evangelists and cooks. - UCCZ Highfield holds regular services every Sunday as well as Bible studies during the week. - UCCZ Highfield also runs various children’s ministry programs, such as Vacation Bible School, Sunday School and Youth Bible Study. - The church offers several forms of aid to those in need, including food donations, medical care and educational support. - UCCZ Highfield is involved in advocating for and promoting peace and democracy in Zimbabwe. Here are some facts about the Zimbabwe Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Zimbabwe


1. Worship services: UCCZ Highfield holds weekly worship services in English and Shona language. The services include a sermon, hymns, prayers, Scripture readings, and communion celebrations. 2. Bible study: UCCZ Highfield holds weekly Bible study classes to encourage the congregation to learn more about the Bible and God's Word. 3. Spiritual Formation: UCCZ Highfield provides spiritual formation programs to help members deepen their faith and become more passionate followers of Christ. 4. Community Outreach: UCCZ Highfield has several ministries that reach out to the local community with programs such as food drives, educational opportunities, and job skills training. 5. Fellowship Events: UCCZ Highfield hosts regular fellowship events to build relationships, nurture fellowship, and enjoy Christian fellowship with one another. 6. Mission Trips: UCCZ Highfield sends out teams to serve in local communities, to share the Gospel, and to be a witness for Christ by meeting the physical and spiritual needs of people. This beautiful church in Zimbabwe has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Zimbabwe most popular tourist destination with us. UCCZ Highfield - United Church of Christ In Zimbabwe: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from Zimbabwe main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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